domestic spying

Maine Has Saved The Union Before-- Can Shenna Bellows Save Us From NSA Spying?

Both of Maine's congressmembers are Democrats-- and one, Chellie Pingree, is a strong progressive leader. Last year Obama beat Romney 401,306 (56%) to 292,276 (41%) in the state. And the Democrats regained control over both Houses of the state legislature. Still, the DSCC is reluctant to take on Senator Susan Collins.

Thank goodness the NSA had the sense to put funnyman Art Buchwald on the watch list it compiled for President Johnson

The great Art Buchwald"During his later life, [Art] Buchwald, an old-school liberal who died in 2007, at the age of eighty-one, spent a lot of time kvetching about the fact that, unlike Mary McGrory and Daniel Schorr, he didn't make it onto Richard Nixon's famous White House enemies list.

It Must Suck To Be Lindsey Graham

Those blue counties all went for Obama last yearLindsey's dream job probably would have been Secretary of State for President John McCain. But, no, that was never to be. And now he has to spend his time upcountry, groveling to a bunch of racist teabaggers and morons in Greenville and in remote redneck bastions of Hate Talk Radio conventional wisdom like backward Oconee, Pickens and Cherokee counties.

There Are A Lot Of Reasons To Vote For Carl Sciortino-- Alan Grayson Is Emphasizing The Out-Of-Control NSA

Carl Sciortino with Ed Markey on election dayLast night, Alan Grayson (D-FL) endorsed Carl Sciortino for Congress, the progressive in a tight 5-way primary to replace Ed Markey. He joins People for the American Way, Blue America and all the Massachusetts LGBT and progressive organizations who have already endorsed.

Anonymous Republican Senator Preventing A Vote To Protect E-mail Privacy

Ken and I-- along with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer-- went to James Madison High School in Brooklyn. Maybe that's why the 5 of us are all committed to the 4th Amendment to the Constitution, a crucial part of the Bill of Rights. It was Madison, who was later elected president, who wrote and proposed the simple one-sentence amendment:

Rand Paul Vs Chris Christie-- Pass The Popcorn

Rand Paul was the only senator who voted against confirming James Comey as the new head of the FBI. Good for Rand! I'm glad he's got his wits about him despite the barrage of attacks and smears aimed at him by Establishment slob Chris Christie who's dead set on being the anti-libertarian Republican presidential nominee in 2016. Rand called Christie out for trying to make voters think he's somehow Rudy Giuliani or George W Bush. He's doing his best to paint Christie as the greedy, self-serving pig that he's always been.