domestic spying

If You Let Criminals Off Lightly, You Guarantee One Thing: More Crime

The end of last week saw a lot of outrage on the left. It was primarily directed towards the House Republican racism and xenophobia on display Thursday and Friday. Even left-wing rags like the NY Times and Wall Street Journal were outraged. There was less left-wing outrage directed towards President Obama's horrifying defense of CIA criminal John Brennan, a defense that will dog Obama's legacy for all time.

Nothing In America Could Be As Bad As The KGB, The Stasi, The Gestapo And The SS… Right?

Tuesday we took a quick look at the story of how the NSA's war against patriotic whistleblower Tom Drake persuaded Ed Snowden to move outside the system to expose the criminal activities the government was perpetrating against the American people. In the story we met William Binney. Up top is the short documentary Laura Poitras did for the NY Times about Binney in 2012. It should scare your socks off.Binney was a top intelligence officer/code breaker with the NSA for over 30 years.

Meet The 123 Members Of Congress Who Want The NSA To Continue Undermining Americans' Right To Privacy

Democratic leaders for domestic spying and for more Iraq warLast night, the House continued debating 2015 appropriations for the Department of Defense (H.R. 4870). Voting on amendments went just past 11PM and while they were going on, I at was at a lecture-- an amazing lecture-- by Glenn Greenwald.

Ted Lieu Doesn't Have To Promise He'll Protect Californians From Domestic Spying-- He's Already Written The Legislation That Does

State Senator Ted LieuYesterday we looked at the critical primaries coming up next Tuesday. One of the most important is for Henry Waxman's House seat on the Westside of L.A.-- Santa Monica, Venice, Malibu, Beverly Hills, Manhattan Beach, El Segundo, Redondo Beach, Westwood.

The Jimi Hendrix Contest Ends Today-- NSA Domestic Spying Doesn't

As you may have read, Blue America extended the Alan Grayson/Jimi Hendrix fundraiser because of the Memorial Day weekend. We'll randomly pick a winner at 3pm (ET)/noon (PT). So you still have a chance to win the very rare and vert collectible Jimi Hendrix platinum album for his first release, Are You Experienced? But even if you're not a Hendrix fan-- even if you're a country music fan or a show tunes fan or an opera fan who never heard a single Hendrix lick-- please consider helping Grayson win his reelection bid.