domestic spying

DSCC Recruits Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander To Run For Blunt's Senate Seat

By Missouri standards, Kander is a progressive. The NRA gave him a "D" and the Missouri Progressive Vote Coalition has ranked him between 86 and 100% since 2009. At 33, he's the youngest statewide-elected official in the whole country-- and he's very popular in Missouri and was expected to skate to reelection next year.

Inside The National Security State Not Much Ever Changes

There's been some dispute about what S. 2685, the U.S.A. Freedom Act of 2014 would have done and not done to protect American citizens from the excesses of an unaccountable national security state. Since it won't become law-- the Republicans successfully filibustered it Nov. 18-- I guess we don't have to dig too deeply into the fine points. Actually not all the Republicans filibustered it.

Domestic Spying Advocate And Fake Democrat Adam Schiff Has An Opponent-- Meet Steve Stokes

Voters in Hollywood, Glendale, Silverlake and Burbank have a choice-- Schiff is the CIA corporate candidate and Stokes is the grassroots progressiveAdam Schiff, a conservative Blue Dog and New Dem with a Military Industrial Complex complex, is a bad fit for his new district, which saw much of its more conservative-leaning areas in the eastern third of the district, including most of Pasadena, South Pasadena, San Marino, Alhambra and Altadena, shave

Colorado Voters Are Making The CIA Domestic Spy Agents Very Happy-- Very, Very Happy

Getting control over congressional oversite was the biggest goal of the CIA and NSA in this election cycle. They’re actively infiltrating CIA agents into Congress itself. On the Democratic side, Steve Israel conspired with them to push forward several CIA candidates, including, among others, Kevin Strouse (PA-08) and Bobby McKenzie (MI-11). They were unable to gain any traction and were eventually abandoned by the DCCC to their own miserable fates. Both are expected to lose badly November 4.

How Close Is 1984 Today?

When I think back to high school and recall the books I read that have had the most impact on my thinking since then, certainly the dystopian novels 1984 (1949) by George Orwell and Brave New World (1932) by Aldous Huxley ranked high among them. Our world must never turn into the world’s created by Huxley and Orwell. This afternoon we looked at a reason to cast a vote to reelect Colorado Senator Mark Udall based on his role in preventing 1984 encroachment by the CIA and the rest of the U.S.

Apple Says They Aren't Going To Help The CIA And NSA Illegally Spy On Their Customers Any More

Do you believe them? Or any of the big tech companies? They all lied and lied about protecting our privacy while allowing the spy agencies easy access to all our personal information and communications, as though we are all legitimate suspects in some kind of Orwellian dystopia.Apple CEO Tim Cook, is savvy enough to know how that cooperation with the worst aspects of the National Security State has damage Apple's precious, hard-earned brand, which has already been tattered around the edges.

Is Steve Israel Helping The CIA Infiltrate Congress With Its Own Agents?

I don't know the answer to the question posed in the title above. I've been trying to find out and I've been tracking down several leads. The names that come up most frequently are Kevin Strouse, who like all CIA spies bills himself as an "ex-CIA analyst" and is running against Mike Fitzpatrick in Bucks County (PA-08); Bobby McKenzie, another former CIA spy who glosses over that and calls himself an "ex-US State Dept.

Ted Lieu To The Rescue... x 2

A few weeks ago a some people alerted me to an issue they knew I would be concerned about-- a tendency for doctors to over-medicate foster kids with dangerous drugs. I knew exactly what to do. The good thing about having a candidate like state Senator Ted Lieu running for Congress, is that you don't have to make up your mind about him based on campaign promises.

Why Hasn't Obama Fired John Brennan Yet?

We've been going through Michael Gurnow's book, The Edward Snowden Affair and finding some pretty awful facts about domestic spying. Basically, Cheney put a system in place they allowed for no privacy from government snooping for anyone for any reason at any time. Neither Bush nor Obama was completely comfortable with it-- but comfortable enough to leave it in place.Microsoft, Yahoo and Google, for example, accounted for 98% of PRISM data intake.

Jackbooted Thugs-- Not Just Ferguson But Facebook Too

The erosion of accountability for criminal activities by our elites will lead to the end of democracy… or worseI'm not the first one to point out that in the last week we've seen what conservatives, tea-tards and libertarians have been warning us about for years: the thuggish jackbooted foot of the overly militarized government on the throat of the citizenry.