domestic policy

“American Dream” 2019?

The American Dream is quite a well-defined ethos described in publications by many US philosophers and politicians. It is an expression often meant to reflect the tangible and spiritual ideals of the American population. This term was first used in James Adams’ book on history in order to motivate Americans during the Great Depression, a crisis that affected various strata of society.

Prison-State USA

Washington is incessantly trying to inspire the whole world with this myth that the United States is the most democratic country on the planet, and that only Americans, the chosen nation, have the right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and establish their own preferred forms of governance there. Unfortunately however, this “American-style democracy” is the cause of growing resentment on many issues.

Egypt is being Targeted Again

Since September 20, Egypt’s government has been facing a new challenge in the form of massive anti-government demonstrations demanding the resignation of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi both in the capital, and in such cities as Alexandria, Suez, El Mansour, and Helwan. So far, there’s been two major waves of protests, but additional waves seem to be just around the corner.

Tunisia On the Run-Up to Presidential Elections

In the run-up to September 15, when the country will go to the polls, the Tunisian presidential election campaign has been marked by the large number of candidates (26) running for presidency and the intense rivalry between them.
This is the second multi-party presidential election to take place since the collapse of the previous regime during “the Jasmine Revolution” in 2010.