domestic issues

Donald Trump’s deep state dilemma: Free reign at home–totally compromised in foreign affairs

When the so-called ‘neo-conservative’ movement took over much of the Republican party towards the end of the Cold War, the movement was generally defined by ultra-hawkish politicians, keenly desperate to maintain and expand US global hegemony while embracing much of the ‘big government’ policies typically associated with many in the Democratic party.

5 tweets which reveal Donald Trump’s attitude towards Russia and his actual priorities

With people questioning if Donald Trump may be changing his previously conciliatory tones toward Russia, here are five Tweets that reveal his true feelings and political priorities.

  1. His views on Russia are consistent

I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy – yet Obama can make a deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no problem!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 7, 2017