House Republicans launch last minute Hail Mary to uncover Deep State crimes (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a quick look at the last minute push from House Republicans to investigate crimes, corruption and subversion against now President Trump, committed by the Obama White House, former FBI director James Comey, and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
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Trump Quietly Orders Elimination of Assange

On June 28th, the Washington Examiner headlined “Pence pressed Ecuadorian president on country’s protection of Julian Assange” and reported that “Vice President Mike Pence discussed the asylum status of Julian Assange during a meeting with Ecuador’s leader on Thursday, following pressure from Senate Democrats who have voiced concerns over the country’s protection of the WikiLeaks founder.” Pence had been given this assignment by U.S.

YOU’RE FIRED! With Jeff Sessions out, Trump’s war on Deep State begins (Video)

Trump wasted no time after the midterm elections to warn Democrats (ready to take over the House) that should they drag the country back towards Russia collusion hoaxes, tax return fantasies, or impeachment procedures, that this time the office of the President, along with a strengthened Senate, would strike back at Democrat leadership.
First order of business for Trump, fire Jeff Sessions and appoint as acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker.

Fusion GPS founder trapped in legal jeopardy, bets on Democrat midterm win to bury Russiagate hoax (Video)

Fusion GPS researcher Nellie Ohr and ex-FBI official James Baker are set to testify before Congress, but Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson is taking the Fifth.
The man at the center of the Russiagate hoax, Glenn Simpson, headed the espionage/PR smear firm Fusion GPS, which ordered the discredited and fake Trump ‘dossier’, which John McCain handed to the FBI, and which Buzzfeed News published as actual news.

Rod Rosenstein Could Be Ousted by Trump – ‘Russiagate’ Fanatics Are Going Crazy

U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who most notably overseas special counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘Trump-Russia’ investigation, could lose his job this week, according to multiple reports.
Over the last year and a half on the job, Rosenstein has allowed Mueller the leeway to conduct his far-flung and open-ended Russiagate investigation while appearing to show deference to President Donald Trump who nominated him for his current post at the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Deep State insurrection defying POTUS Trump’s order to release unredacted FISA docs (Video)

Deep State officials like ex-CIA chief John Brennan are in panic mode.
Deep State DOJ tool Rod Rosenstein refuses to comply with Trump’s executive order as afforded him by the US Constitution.
Establishment Democrats are all over the mainstream media channels calling the act of releasing documents criminal.

FBI, DOJ To Defy Trump Order; Redactions Planned As Top ‘Deep State’ Dems Demand Insubordination

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 09/19/2018 Despite President Trump’s Monday order for the “immediate declassification” of sensitive materials related to the Russia investigation, “without redaction,” the agencies involved are planning to do so anyway, according to Bloomberg, citing three people familiar with the matter. The Justice Department, FBI and Office of the Director of National […]

Trump Orders Immediate Release Of All Text Messages, Carter Page FISA Application From Russia Investigation

Via Zerohedge
President Trump has ordered the Department of Justice to release all text messages related to the Russia investigation with no redactions, of former FBI Director James Comey, his deputy Andrew McCabe, now-fired special agent Peter Strzok, former FBI attorney Lisa Page and twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr.