New Evidence Shows Foul Play, Cover-up by FBI and OSP in Shooting of LaVoy Finicum – DOJ Opens New Investigation

21st Century Wire
The mainstream media called it ‘case closed’ after the FBI released its aerial footage of the ambush and shooting of LaVoy Finicum. Now, new evidence reveals that there was likely foul play and a misrepresentation by Federal and State authorities involved in the recent killing of rancher and protester LaVoy Finicum.

Whistleblowers sue DOJ, FBI, and NSA for malicious prosecution, civil rights violations

RT | August 28, 2015 Five whistleblowers are suing the Justice Department, National Security Agency, FBI and their former directors for violating their constitutional and civil rights after they complained about government waste and fraud through proper channels. According to the complaint, filed in Washington, DC’s federal district court, all five were subjected to illegal searches […]

The story of Chapo Guzmán's celebrated jailbreak just keeps becoming more and more bewildering

NYRB accompanies Alma Guillermoprieto's post with this photo of "a Mexican federal police officer inspecting Chapo Guzmán’s escape tunnel, July 16, 2016."by KenI've held off trying to deal with the bizarre story of the July 11 jailbreak of master Mexican drug cartelist Chapo Guzmán because there isn't any aspect of the story that makes the tiniest grain of sense, and I kept figuring that if we waited awhile, some missing pieces of the puzzle would begin to form a picture of so

Filmmaker Laura Poitras Sues US Over ‘Kafkaesque’ Harassment

Lawsuit requests records from intelligence agencies that have unlawfully detained, searched, and interrogated filmmaker for six years By Nadia Prupis | Common Dreams | July 14, 2015 Award-winning journalist and filmmaker Laura Poitras on Monday filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and U.S. intelligence agencies for subjecting her to what she […]

The DOJ is investing millions of dollars in research to spy on students at public schools nationwide

PrivacySOS | July 17, 2015 The Department of Justice’s National Institute for Justice funds law enforcement research to the tune of tens of millions of dollars each year. The full list of grants, posted each year, is a valuable insight into future of law enforcement trends in the United States. NIJ funding for 2014 appears […]

DOJ Drone Memo: AUMF Trumps All And Rights Are Subject To Arbitrary Revocation In Times Of ‘War’

By Tim Cushing | Techdirt | June 23, 2014 The long-awaited “drone memo” has now been released, and it details the DOJ’s justifications for the extra-judicial killing of American citizens. While the government runs through various permutations of its arguments for “justified” killings, the short version can be boiled down to four letters: AUMF. The […]

Court Rejects Request That Secret NSA Evidence Used Against Terrorism Suspect Be Shared With Suspect’s Lawyers

By Mike Masnick | Techdirt | June 17, 2014 We’ve been following the case of Adel Daoud, an American citizen charged with terrorism. He’s one of the many, many folks that was arrested following one of the FBI’s infamous home grown plots (i.e. he was never actually involved in any terrorism, as all of his […]