Breaking down bombshell IG report and big time corruption at FBI (Video)

On Thursday, Inspector General Michael Horowitz released the much anticipated review on FBI and Department of Justice actions during the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
Horowitz’s IG report found rampant institutionalized corruption and bias at the FBI and DOJ, with far left operatives influencing policy throughout the upper the two government institutions.
Inspector General Horowitz referred five FBI employees for investigation as more damning anti-Trump text messages were released to the public via the report.

Trump takes ‘Criminal Deep State’ to task amid claims FBI spied on his campaign

By Robert Bridge | RT | May 24, 2018 Hounded by claims of ‘Russian collusion’ for most of his presidency, Trump is now calling out the Obama administration over claims it had the FBI spying on his campaign. Can the Republican leader turn the tables on his accusers? In a series of rapid-fire Tweets, Trump […]

Whether it’s Russiagate, Skripal or Syria, the Media Have Lost Their Grip on Reality

Despite a series of collapsing mainstream narratives, the establishment can’t help but doubling (and tripling) down on their official conspiracy theories. By Paul Mansfield | 21st Century Wire | April 26, 2018 The “Blame Russia” for absolutely everything world we currently occupy has reached a point almost beyond return and is scaling heights that would […]

Obama’s DOJ Ordered FBI to Remove More than 500,000 Fugitives from the Background-Check Database

The Obama Justice Department forced the FBI to remove the names of 500,000 fugitives with outstanding arrest warrants from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. The Department of Justice, under Obama and Loretta Lynch, did this by saying the word 'fugitive' means there had to be evidence they had crossed state lines. [...]