Papadopoulos speaks as Maltese Professor Mifsud goes missing

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos was been sentenced to 14 days in prison for lying to the FBI.
Papadopoulos admitted to lying to investigators about conversations he had with the now missing Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, who baited an ambitious and naive Papadopoulos into discussing fairytale Russian government “dirt” on then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Meet the Pentagon employee who exposed CIA spy inside Trump campaign (Video)

A former Pentagon employee uncovered a long history of questionable behavior by an FBI informant deeply tied into the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
The FBI informant was Stefan Halper, who was also a CIA spy charged with infiltrating the Trump campaign while working as a professor in the UK…and who was also getting paid one million dollars to write foreign policy papers for the US Department of Defense.
Those must have beed some valuable foreign policy papers to be worth a cool $1 mil.

Manafort aims for pardon, as Michael Cohen gets played by Hillary’s lawyer (Video)

Much is being written and discussed on mainstream media with regards to the Paul Manafort verdict, and the Michael Cohen plea deal. MSNBC and CNN are crying impeachment every other second, while more measured and grounded analysts are unable to find how paying hush money to extortionists, from personal funds, affects Trump’s presidency in the slightest.
Perhaps this comment from Zerohedge sums it all up…