
Study: Your Dog LOVES You and Prefers Praise over Food

Have you ever wondered if your dog actually loved you, or was just in it for the food? A team of researchers at Emory University in Atlanta recently conducted a study to find out the answer.
The researchers found that dogs actually do prefer the praise of their owner over food, showing that your dog actually does have a bond with you that’s a little deeper than the treats you hand out. In some cases, however, dogs did like both equally.

California Cop Leaves K9 to Die in Broiling Squad Car Without AC

A California cop left his K9 partner in their police cruiser during the brutal summer heat only to return from ‘patrolling at home’ when “Idol” the dog died from heat exhaustion.
He left the car idling in the summer sun, and eventually it shut off on its own.
That shut off the air conditioning.
It was 90 degrees outside.
Tragedy ensued.
An officer died in the line of duty, the perpetrator is known.

Common Artificial Sweetener Poisonous to Dogs, FDA Warns

The Food and Drug Administration is warning that a sweetener called Xylitol, which can be found in many sugar free gums, is poisonous to dogs. Although humans may consume this sweetener without issue, it has been found that it can potentially be fatal to your canine companions, and dog owners should be extra vigilant when it comes to this ingredient.

How Fleas are Becoming Chemical-Resistant Mutants

If you think fleas are annoying now, hold onto your collars; experts are warning that the little nuisances are becoming resistant to the popular flea control products that pet owners turn to in order to keep their little buddies itch-free.
Veterinarians are telling pet owners that flea treatments like Advantage and Frontline are a waste of money because they’re no longer effective at getting rid of fleas and keeping them away. The bugs have mutated in order to survive, it seems. [1]