
The future of statehood: Israel & Palestine

[Prefatory Note: Interview Questions of a Brazilian journalist Rodrigo Craveiro on behalf of Correio Braziliense: (Jan. 30, 2019) on current prospects of Palestinian national movement.]
Fatah, Hamas, the Future of Statehood and Peace Prospects
1. With the dissolution of government do you see any risk for unity among all Palestinian factions? Why? 

Ukraine’s Poroshenko moves to REPEAL Ukrainian-Russian Friendship Treaty

TASS News Agency reported on Tuesday that Ukraine’s President Pyotr Poroshenko instructed his country’s Foreign Ministry to draw up a package of documents to begin the process of abrogating the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

Poroshenko revealed the story on Tuesday at a conference with members of the Ukrainian diplomatic corps.

Vladimir Putin and John Bolton meet to prepare for presidential summit

Russian President Vladimir Putin and US National Security Adviser John Bolton met Wednesday in a preparatory meeting regarding a long-awaited and anticipated summit with President Donald Trump. That summit has been looking more and more likely to happen since the first known reports in The Wall Street Journal on 2 June, and today’s meeting appeared by all accounts to be very positive.

North Korea Has Good Reason to Be Wary of a Trump Deal

PYONGYANG — Is lasting peace possible on the Korean Peninsula? The answer to that question may depend on whether Donald Trump follows the well-worn path of his predecessors.
If the president’s latest stunt — temporarily calling off talks with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) over an insult Kim Jong Un slung at Vice-President Mike Pence — is any indication of what could happen moving forward, Trump could easily sabotage future talks with Pyongyang.

In the North Korea matter, Russia has GREAT cause to claim credit

Think of the Russia – US – North Korea situation as something like Good Cop – Bad Cop. Each part is integral to the success in resolving the problem.
The United States made most of the news in the West during the ending months of December and early January, as the US President pressed Kim Jong-un harder and harder with threats of military action, specified as a “bloody nose” attack.

Russian-American Congress sends open letter to President Trump

As an American living in the Russian Federation, I have the pleasure of having direct interaction with many Russian people from all walks of life. Many are Orthodox Christian believers who love the Church and love their own president, Vladimir Putin, and consider him as a Defender of Orthodox Christianity and Christianity everywhere in the world.
Many others are more jaded in their opinions and share skepticism of both their government and the Church, and still others hate Mr. Putin and don’t understand what the big deal about any religion is about at all.