Second Scottish independence referendum would be justifiable following Brexit – in The HeraldScotland

Click here for the HeraldScotland webpages. Or… Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s outspoken rock-star former finance minister, has said that a second Scottish independence would be “justified” and all but inevitable if the rest of the UK votes to leave the EU … Continue reading →

Guardian Live | Europe, austerity and the threat to global stability with Yanis Varoufakis, Caroline Lucas & Tariq Ali

Thursday 7 April 2016, 7pm–8.30pm, Emmanuel Centre, London, SW1P 3DW Has the EU lost sight of its original purpose? Critics argue that agreements such as TTIP illustrate just how undemocratic the EU has become. Are weaker nations paying the debt of … Continue reading →

Is the finance sector fit for purpose? Public Lecture, in London (30/3), with John McDonnell MP & Anastasia Nesvetailova

This public lecture, convened and to be chaired by John McDonnell MP Shadow Chancellor, is aimed at informing the conversation about the finance sector. The event is part of a series of public events to widen the debate around economics in Britain and … Continue reading →

DiEM Statement Condemning European Summit’s Preliminary Accord to Expel Refugees to Turkey

DIEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement, strongly condemns the preliminary agreement reached during last night’s European Union Summit, according to which thousands of Syrian refugees will be returned to Turkey. DiEM25 finds this agreement shameful and contrary to international laws and treaties, … Continue reading →