An Agenda for a Democratic, Recovering Europe: At the European House of Ambrosetti, 9th April 2016

This panel, organised by the House of Ambrosetti (Cernobbio), included: Martin Wolf (Chair), Jyrki Katainejn (Vice President of the European Commission), Yves Mersch (ECB Executive Board Member), Yanis Varoufakis (DiEM25), Jens Spahn (State Minister, Finance Ministry, Germany)Filed under: DiEM, European Crisis, Modest Proposal, Post-MinFin … Continue reading →

Corbyn to argue case for continued EU membership premised on workers’ rights and holding multinational companies to account

The Times reports that, in his first major intervention in the EU referendum campaign, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will talk of his “personal journey” from opposing EU membership to supporting it in a speech tomorrow. He is expected to frame … Continue reading →