Burning Questions: Who Took Tainted Shkreli Money? Why Did DFA and CWA Endorse Bernie? Why Is Putin Backing Herr Trumpf?

As we've reported before, when low-life price gouger and hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli tried to contribute to Bernie's campaign, Bernie very publicly rejected his contribution and turned it over to charity. Chuck Schumer and Jon Tester on the other hand, couldn't wait to get their clammy paws on some of Shkreli's blood money.

Progressive Democrats Are The Key To Taking Back The Senate From The Reactionaries And Shutting Down Nihilists

Ted Cruz and his fascist-oriented wing of the Republican Party are still determined to shut down the government again, despite the overwhelming majority of Americans opposing it. The Americans who support the idea are in the backward, mostly Confederate districts represented by these ass-clowns. They haven't done it yet, and McConnell is ignoring their bellowing, so it's something that may be put off... till right before Christmas time! Fortunately, Democrats are pretty united against the crackpot scheme and Cruz's infantile blackmail strategy.

Senator Sherrod Brown And Congressman Alan Grayson On "So-Called" Free Trade

Brown has been fighting against the job-killing corporate trade agenda since long before he was ever elected to the Senate. He was the primary champion of the battle against these unfair trade bills in the House-- just as Grayson is today. Last week, Brown did an OpEd for the Jackson County Times-Journal about the dangers of fast-tracking the TPP.

Will Rahm Emanuel Be Reelected Mayor Of Chicago A Week From Tuesday?

Early voting has begun and election day in the Chicago mayor's race is February 24th. If no one gets a majority there will be a runoff April 7. The hope is that progressive reformers Chuy Garcia and Robert Fioretti will hold the much-disliked Emanuel under the 50% mark and force the runoff. Most polling indicates that Emanuel's support is in the low 40s.This week, former Mayor Richard Daley endorsed Rahm Emanuel for reelection.

Carol Shea-Porter And Mike Honda Make The Case For Not Balancing The Budget On The Backs Of Seniors

Many progressives fear that conservative Democrats are working with Boehner, McConnell and the Republicans to undermine the inviolability of Social Security-- the Third Rail aspect-- by including Chained CPI in a so-called "Grand Bargain" which would see the GOP give a tiny bit on taxes-- raising taxes on the rich slightly which could be easily lowered as soon as they regain power-- in return for forever decoupling Social Security from the Third Rail.