Devin Nunes

High Nunes

Last month not even Devin Nunes' own constituents knew who they hell he was. Today he's a household name-- in a bad way. He's in a league with Darrell Issa, Steve King, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Louie Gohmert... congressmembers who people have heard of... and detest. Or-- Draco Malfoy and Voldemort, Captain Barbossa, Hans Landa, the Green Goblin, Loki, Ras al Ghul, Doctor Octopus, Saruman, Negan and The Joker.

‘Russiagate’ is failing and its supporters are getting worried

Three weeks ago I wrote a piece for The Duran in which I suggested that the corner appeared to have been turned in the fake ‘Russiagate’ scandal.
What was a tentative conclusion then can now be firmed up.
Though the leaders of the US security services have denied the President’s allegation that they wire-tapped him – though they were careful not to deny that they mounted surveillance on him and his associates – the President’s claim that they did, in effect smoked them out.

Why US Inquiry Into Russia’s Alleged Meddling in Election Reached Deadlock

Sputnik – March 30, 2017 It appears that the inquiry into Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections has finally stalled. Apparently, the problem is that new inconvenient truths regarding the inappropriate handling of intelligence information on Trump’s team continue to emerge. The investigation into an alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign has seemingly […]

Russia hating Democrat Adam Schiff wants Devin Nunes to resign. This video exposes a paranoid Schiff

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes has refused to step down from the fake news Russia probe.
Nune told reporters Monday evening he will not step down from the committee’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the United States presidential election. Nunes said…

“Everything is politics here.”

Hey, DCCC, Why Does Devin Nunes Get To Run Basically Unopposed Year After Year After Year?

I believe McCain when he stated yesterday that "Congress no longer has the credibility to handle this alone, and I don't say that lightly." He was referring to the investigation into Putin-Gate, which he's come to realize that his own party is approaching as a partisan endeavor meant to impede and perhaps coverup rather than get to the bottom of what happened. And no one has been worse player than California Republican Devin Nunes.