
Russia does not want a war, but she is ready for one [Video]

President Putin’s State of the Nation address included the following segment, in which he detailed the prioritization of excellence in military education and also a rundown of the weapons systems in development and (mostly) already deployed in Russia. Among these the Avangard, Tsirkon and Kinzhal hypersonic missiles systems, weapons with speeds as high as Mach […]

Challenging Nuclearism: The Nuclear Ban Treaty Assessed

On 7 July 2017 122 countries at the UN voted to approve the text of a proposed international treaty entitled ‘Draft Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.’ The treaty is formally open for signature in September, but it only become a binding legal instrument according to its own provisions 90 days after the 50th country deposits with the UN Secretary General its certification that the treaty has been ratified in accordance with their various constitutional processes.

Is a nuclear arms race coming more likely?

By Jonathan Power
June 6th 2017
It was all smiles out on the range last week when, against a deep blue sky, an American interceptor rocket took out an incoming “enemy” long-range, missile (which in a real attack would be carrying a nuclear warhead). Generals and Congressmen and women jumped for joy.
But what was there to be joyous about?

Why ban nuclear weapons? Ask the French president

By John Loretz | International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War | March 13, 2015 President François Hollande of France has explained to the world why nuclear weapons must be banned and eliminated. Not intentionally, of course. Not because he made the fallacious argument that nuclear weapons make France more secure in a dangerous […]