Derrick Crowe

Texas Is More Like The Rest Of America Than You Might Imagine

Over the last few decades, once populist Texas has turned into a very red state. But not hopelessly red. Last year , without even trying, Hillary made unexpected inroads in districts that were gerrymandered to prevent unexpected inroads. Trump won the state-- 4,685,047 (52.23%) to 3,877,868 (43.24%). Those 3.87 million Texans who voted for Hillary were more than her margin of victory in the national popular vote.

It Could Change With Time, But Trump's Worst Appointment So Far Is Scott Pruitt

A lot of Republicans, when they work up the nerve to criticize Señor Trumpanzee, try to couch the criticism in a paean to the greatness of his judiciary and cabinet picks. First of all, he doesn't care how criticism is couched; he'll be looking for an opportunity at revenge sooner or later-- and it won't be pretty-- and, second, his personnel selections are among his worst and most existentially risky decisions, not his saving grace.

A Slightly Different Way To Look At The Races Blue America Is Involved With So Far This Cycle: DACA

Courtesy of USC's Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration, we've looked at the Numbers of DACA recipients in each district where we have an endorsee and where we have a candidate far along in the vetting process. We also noted the annual GDP loss in each district that would result in the deportation of the DACA workers. This is a very big issue in Texas, as you might guess from looking at the stats.

Republicans Count On Voters Not Noticing What They're Up To-- But Voters Are Noticing... And Are PISSED Off

Thursday morning we mentioned the votes in Congress against the People Budget (the Progressive Caucus) and the Congressional Black Caucus budget Wednesday night. Hours later Congress voted down the official Democratic Party budget-- with 32 Democrats, mostly Blue Dogs and New Dems, voting with the GOP against it-- and then narrowly passing, 219-206 Paul Ryan's GOP budget.

Is Small Business Really The Backbone Of Our Economy? And Do Congressmen Have Backbones?

Southern California's best member of Congress, Ted Lieu, understands the problems small businesses face better than most members. "Republicans," he told us this morning, "love to talk a big game when it comes to supporting small businesses, but in reality most of their policies benefit big corporations.

There's Going To Be Trump-Incited Violence In New York Today

There's going to be violence in New York today when DREAMers and their allies in New York stage an aggressive protest at Trump Tower and the police try to stop them. Tragic! There were some GOP congressmen who are demanding that Paul Ryan, as Speaker, stop playing politics with this issue and allow a vote to enshrine DACA in law. But that's exactly what other Republicans fear.

Conservatives' Biggest Contribution To Mankind: Climate Change, Planetary Destruction

Anytime you put profit over people in ANYTHING, you risk disaster.-Dayna Steele, candidate Texas CD-3630,000 Texans may wind up in shelters. Ten have already been confirmed dead from Hurricane Harvey. Flooding is getting worse, damaged refineries could be spewing toxic fumes, and the public health consequences of the storm are still beginning to make themselves felt. Is it fair to blame the storm on the bribed politicians-- primarily but not exclusively-- who have found it convenient to deny and denigrate the science around Climate Change? You bet it is.