
Florida Dentist Accused of Making Millions of Dollars While Abusing Children

Parents put their trust into medical professionals almost every day, blindly expecting that they will take care of their children and do what is medically necessary. But we can’t trust everyone. One man, Dr. Howard Schneider, has been accused of doing horrible things to children in the dental chair such as needlessly extracting teeth, performing painful procedures without proper anesthetics, choking children, and performing other unnecessary procedures.

Why Do Companies Still Put a Banned Chemical in Your Toothpaste?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently banned the use of the antibacterial agent triclosan in soaps. Yet it remains in one of the most popular toothpastes: Colgate Total.
So if it is banned for our skin, why does it remain in toothpaste? Largely because the Colgate Company has demonstrated that toothpastes with this chemical are more effective against gingivitis and plaque.