Dennis Kucinich

Dennis Kucinich says no evidence Assad was behind chemical attacks

Dennis Kucinich hit all the main points.
He talks about the false flag Ghouta chemical attack.
He talks about the United States helping ISIS by attacking Assad.
He talks about helping Saudi Arabia (who Kucinich notes played a large role in 9-11), by attacking Assad.
When asked point blank about whether he believes Assad committed the chemical attacks, Kucinich said “NO”.
When asked if rebels have used chemical weapons, Kucinich said “YES”.

Dennis Kucinich warns America to “Wake Up!” The deep state is pushing for war with Russia

Jimmy Dore comments on the Michael Flynn, Russia phone call “scandal”, for which former U.S. Rep. and Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, defends Donald Trump on Fox News’ “Mornings with Maria”.
Kucinich warns America to “Wake Up!”

Here is some insight of the Kucinich interview (courtesy Mish Talk)…

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard travels to Syria, CONFIRMS: “no difference between ‘moderate’ rebels and al-Qaeda or ISIS  – they are all the same”

US Congresswoman and war veteran Tulsi Gabbard, along former U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich traveled to Syria, met with Assad, met with families torn by the war, met with religious leaders, saw the results of US regime change first hand, on the ground in Aleppo and Damascus.

An Open Letter to President Elect Trump

End the deficit, pay off the national debt as it comes due, get rid of Obama Care by giving us real national healthcare, pay for education: it is all possible by draining the monetary swamp of the fraudulent debt money system. Guess what it also does? It unifies our country by addressing the very real concerns of all Americans.
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