
US security agency accused of spying on European private companies

By Lucas Leiroz | November 18, 2020 A new cyber espionage scandal involving American intelligence agencies is being revealed – this time in Europe. Government ministries and Danish private companies were targets of US espionage, according to a recent report by an anonymous informer. The US National Security Agency (NSA) appears to have used top-secret […]

Debunking the Myth of Denmark

Regardless of what Bernie Sanders says, Denmark is not a socialist country: it does not refrain from imperialistic wars; it fails to subject its bankers and billionaires to the same laws that “ordinary” citizens must obey; and it decreases social welfare benefits. Bernie Sanders has apparently convinced much of the American leftwing that Denmark is a […]
The post Debunking the Myth of Denmark appeared first on CovertAction Magazine.

Denmark Heads to Pre-COVID Normality: No Masks or Distancing in Schools, Just Common Sense

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire

One of the more diabolical aspects of the protracted COVID ‘crisis’ in countries like the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, is the intellectually dishonest claim that Coronavirus in their countries is somehow different from the Coronavirus in other western countries. 

Huge Intelligence Agency Scandal Rocks Denmark and Puts its “Deep State” on Trial

Four leading Defense Intelligence Service personnel were suspended on Monday, August 24, pending an independent investigation into serious charges of illegalities—amounting to what Danish daily Politiken is calling the greatest “life scandal in its history.” Lars Findsen, the current director of Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE), the Danish Defense Intelligence agency, and his predecessor, Thomas Ahrenkiel, plus […]