
“We Have to Compare Sweden to Its Neighbours” Isn’t a Convincing Argument

Sweden's low excess mortality in 2020 undermines the pro-lockdown case. Defenders often counter that Sweden fared badly compared to its neighbours. There are several reasons why this is a bad argument, says Dr Noah Carl.
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Danish drug regulator FAINTS at press conference announcing AstraZeneca vaccine halt

RT | April 14, 2021 Denmark will completely abandon the rollout of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine due to a risk of rare blood clots. One of the country’s top drug officials passed out at a press conference delivering the news. As National Health Board Director Soeren Brostroem announced the decision, the Danish Medicines Agency’s acting director […]

Florida and Texas Ban Vaccine Passports

By Stephen Lendman | April 8, 2021 Digital vaccine passports are all-about pushing unwitting people to be jabbed with experimental, hazardous to heath drugs that risk potentially irreversible harm short-or-longer-term when taken as directed. Already rolled out in Israel, Denmark, and Estonia by late April, they’re coming to the US and other Western states. Apartheid […]

Danish Vaccine Passport App “Will Cause Domino Effect” Across Europe

The Danish developers of a new Covid passport app say that its technology will cause a "domino effect" across Europe. The company is currently in talks with a number of European countries, possibly including the UK.
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The “Unvaccinated” Question

By CJ Hopkins | Consent Factory | March 29, 2021 So, the New Normals are discussing the Unvaccinated Question. What is to be done with us? No, not those who haven’t been “vaccinated” yet. Us. The “Covidiots.” The “Covid deniers.” The “science deniers.” The “reality deniers.” Those who refuse to get “vaccinated,” ever. There is no place […]