
Luciferian Cults – Illuminate Confirm – Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Jamie joins me to discuss the works of Kerth Barker, as we examine the nature of modern Luciferian movements behind the UN and worse.  In fact, the claims of Barker extend to predicting years ago the inversion we see nowadays, including kannibalism.  We cover the notion of the left hand all the way to the 8mm level stuff, if you think of the Nic Cage film.


The Exorcist & Exorcism Films (Fallen/Constantine) – Spooktober Stream – Jay Dyer

Delayed due to tech issues in my area. Next we cover the Exorcist franchise and perhaps other exorcism films like Fallen and give them the proper JaysAnalysis treatment. We will cover the first three and then look at three related films, Neegan’s daughter possessed in a cabala box movie, Fallen with Denzel and Constantine with Keeno Reeve.  It’s spooktober! Here’s last year’s spooktober that included Blade and Lost Boys!


Debate: Paganism Vs Orthodoxy – Jay Dyer / Boglord Dave

An impromptu debate over the question of the Neo-pagan revival. Our debate revolves the question of whether paganism and in his case, Asatru, are objectively true and can be proven in terms of logical, rational and philosophical discourse.  How are claims justified? What is a universal claim?  How is it justified?  Is logic just a word trick? His channel is here.