
Doctor Sleep Vs The Shining! Esoteric Hollywood – Jay Dyer

Tonight we analyze and compare the themes and symbols found in the new sequel to The Shining, Doctor Sleep. A genuinely creepy follow up, it actually vindicates my analysis of The Shining. We will cover the esoteric and alchemical symbolism found in The Shining, and then the new, dark revelations of Doctor Sleep that ring true with reality. You can follow me on the backups below!


Childhood’s End, Close Encounters & The Blob! Our Alien Demon Overlords – Jay Dyer

Jay on Film. Welcome to the new show format. Now, we’re going to cover 3 films with similar themes a few times a week and hopefully a few days ahead of time so you nerds have time view or review them! The new format will allow me to streamline the process and integrate the old “esoteric” approach in with *other* types of films that aren’t just esoteric. Our first new episode will cover Childhood’s End, Spielberg’s Close Encounters and the 1988 DER BLOB!  Live at 10PM EST 

The Hidden Meaning Blew Me Away… (New Mini Doc)

#davidlynch #mulhollanddrive #twinpeaks
I return to Lynch with this indepth min-documentary analysis in classic Esoteric Hollywood style of Mulholland Drive. If you’ve read my world famous analyses of the Lynch canon, you’ll enjoy this take on the academy award nominated 2001 film. Is it about occult Hollywood? Brainwashing? Find out and be sure to grab a signed copy of my best-selling book Esoteric Hollywood at my site Jays Analysis.


N I H I L I S M – Root of the Revolution – Fr Seraphim Rose 8PM EST Live- Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight at 8PM EST we will cover Fr. Rose’s classic book Nihilism. We will focus on the revolutionary age and how it brought man to a point of empty materialism, which led to nihilistic scientism. Now, we are in the era of post-human Luciferianism – another logical step. The first half is public, while the full talk for subscribers can be obtained at JaysAnalysis links below.