
Morgoth's Review - Extinction Rebellion, Our Future of Bugs & Pods - Hour 1

Morgoth's Review joins Henrik to talk about the many issues facing the United Kingdom. We begin on the Extinction Rebellion, a new climate weapon the globalists use to get even more money, power and influence. We talk about the promotion of bug eating and pod living. In the second part we discuss demographics, Islamization of England, rise in knife crime, corporate support of milkshake activism and Brexit.
A video version of this show is available here.

The South Was Once Solidly Blue-- And Significant Chunks Of It Are Headed In That Direction Again... And Fast

There are 10 congressional seats or parts of congressional seats in the Dallas-Ft Worth Metro, 5 in the San Antonio Metro, 6 in the Austin Metro and 9 in the Houston Metro, although some of these districts are shared between Metro areas. The Atlanta Metro has 6 congressional districts. Phoenix has 7 districts. And Orlando has 6. These are pretty much the fastest-growing metros in the country.

Has Texas' Time To Turn Blue-- Or At Least Less Red-- Finally Come?

Last cycle, just as the elections were getting started, the DCCC vice chair for the Texas region resigned. Ben Ray Lujan and Nancy Pelosi both said they would get a replacement quickly. They never did. The DCCC left several districts on the table out of shear incompetence. But Democrats did turn 2 vulnerable districts blue despite that. Today there are 13 Democratic seats and 23 Republican seats in Texas.

Orwell & Goode - How Time Preferences Make or Break Civilization - Hour 1

Orwell & Goode joins Henrik to talk about his latest book "A Matter of Time: How Time Preferences Make or Break Civilization." An important discussion, don't miss it.
A video version of this show is available here.
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Write Winger - Population Replacement: A Dangerous Conspiracy Theory? - Hour 1

Political commentator Write Winger joins Henrik to talk about his latest article: The Great Replacement: A Murderer’s Conspiracy Theory or International Policy? We discuss how the establishment is limiting the ability to discuss demographics, mass migration and birth rates in the wake of Brenton Tarrant's attack on the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. We also discuss gun control and free speech on social media.

Interview 1427 – Financial Survival in the Demographic Crunch

[audio mp3=""][/audio]James joins Melody Cedarstrom on the Financial Survival radio show for their regular, bi-monthly conversation. This time we discuss the disappearance of free will and the rise of Big Tech, the demographic crunch in Japan, China's belt and road diplomacy, and the recent crisis in Kashmir.

Is An Intergenerational Coalition The Key To Social And Economic Progress In America?

A couple of days ago, Huffington Post published an interesting essay by Michael Hobbes, America’s Defining Divide Isn’t Left vs Right. It’s Old vs. Young, that offers an alternative frame with which to look at American elections. "Voters over retirement age," he predicted, "will continue to dominate U.S.