
A Strong Third Political Party is on its Way

History tells us that a Third Party has never been successful. The American Federal system, majority rule, Electoral College, and voter perception that a third alternative serves as a spoiler, hinder the eagerness for a Third Party. The possibility of dividing the Electoral College vote so that no candidate gains the required 270 majority deters […]

Blind Loyalty or Selective Blindness? American Politicians’ Perplexing Support for Apartheid Israel

A sickness has infected American politics. This malady, it so happens, affects people of both parties, and support for apartheid Israel - which means funding it to the tune of billions of dollars each year - crosses almost every political divide.
The post Blind Loyalty or Selective Blindness? American Politicians’ Perplexing Support for Apartheid Israel appeared first on MintPress News.

Inglorious Politics: The Hunter Biden Problem

In May last year, the Washington Post ran a fairly typical piece about what the paper perceives as an unjustified conservative mania regarding President Joe Biden’s son. While those in the US worried “about such things as inflation and the war in Ukraine, the top concerns of congressional Republicans can be ranked roughly as follows: […]

Gallup Polls Suggest Nigerans Support Coup; Americans Would Support One

Eric Zuesse (blogs at On August 8th, the Gallup Organization distributed via email to its “Front Page” subscribers, the results from their pollings in the 13 nations of West Africa (these being polls taken prior to the coup in Niger), which showed that in Niger, 84% said they had “Confidence in Military,” and 71% […]

The U.S. Democratic Party’s Hypocritical Fakery

Eric Zuesse (blogs at The main remaining difference between America’s liberal versus conservative Parties, the Democratic Party versus the Republican Party, is the amount of hypocrisy, the pretenses that the liberals pretend about their being progressive, which they pretend means their supporting minorities and women and gays against the majority and men and straights. […]