Democratic Party establishment
Can the Intra-Party Rift Be Healed, At Least For Now? Or Must the Fight Be Fought in 2020?
by Thomas NeuburgerI’ve written before about the wide and deep rift that splits all three layers of the Democratic “party”*. Today, that split within these layers — office-holders and leaders; activists and campaign workers; voters and angry non-voters — is widening.A Legacy of BetrayalThe split is greatest in the third layer, among the voters, as the sense of betrayal is greatest there as well.
How Iowa Chooses National Convention Delegate and What That Means For Us
Iowa's four congressional districts. Note Cedar Rapids in CD1, Iowa City (a major college town) in CD2, Des Moines in CD3 and Ames (the other large college town) in the otherwise heavily rural Thomas NeuburgerMost people think, innocently enough, that the coming Democratic Party Iowa caucuses held in each of the state's voting precincts selects pledged delegates to the national convention.
An Early Look at the Byzantine Rules for Delegate Allocation in the Democratic Primary
Iowa's four congressional districts. Note Cedar Rapids in the First, Davenport and Iowa City (a college town) in the Second, Des Moines in the Third, and Ames (the other college town) in Steve King's Fourth (source).
The Smart Thing Or The Right Thing?
Bipartisanship by Nancy Ohanian-by RedStateBlueWorldOnce again the Powers That Be in the Democratic Party advise doing the smart thing-- be cautious-- this time on impeachment. How many times in my 48 years as a member of the party FDR built have I heard that we have to be smart? In five minutes I came up with over 50. Here are five.
Don't Be Fooled-- The Party's Elite Establishment Still Controls The Democratic Party
Trump is so disgusting. Reich is so right about him-- and his enablers in Congress. It seems impossible the Democratic Party could lose against them even if they try. How about if they try really, really hard? Ah... so we're talking about the DCCC. Did you see that piece by Elaine Godfrey in The Atlantic on Monday: The Democratic Party Just Ticked Off Its Youngest Organizers? Pelosi really should get rid of Bustos before it's too late.
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