Democratic National Committee

Here Are Nine Big Lessons That Sanders Needs to Learn From Trump

Sanders needs to learn from Trump to defeat both Biden and Trump. Biden’s dementia is merely the most tangible reason that Trump would eat him alive. Biden has supported sanctions and wars of aggression at the cost of hundreds of thousands perhaps over a million lives in Iraq alone. A part of Trump’s base that can be won over to Bernie would rather vote Trump than Biden given Biden’s war record by itself.

With Bloomberg Entering Race, U.S. Oligarchy Takes Stage

The American two-party system has always been an electoral front to conceal the reality of how big money buys U.S. politics. Now with media tycoon Mike Bloomberg entering the presidential race, U.S. “democracy” can be seen for what it is: it’s all about big money duking it out. Political parties are now manifestly irrelevant.

Are Democrats Trying to Lose 2020? It’s Not a Bug – It’s a Feature

Hillary Clinton still controls the DNC, and in the few days before the Iowa caucus and subsequent fiasco, for a brief moment we lived in a parallel Bernie ascending universe where Democrats could forget that fact.
But now with Bloomberg buying in, Biden going down, Mayor Pete running out of managers to complain to, and an openly hostile campaign against Bernie – it’s time to ask:
What if the DNC has no strong desire to win this election?

The Myth of Incompetence: DNC Scandals Are a Feature, Not a Bug

The Iowa caucus scandal has continued to get more egregious by the hour, with new revelations routinely pouring in about extremely suspicious manipulations taking place which all just so happen to disadvantage the campaign of Bernie Sanders in the first Democratic electoral contest of 2020. By the time you read this article, there will likely have been more.

The Fake Impeachment: Pelosi’s Botched Ploy Helps Trump Towards Victory

And so it came to pass, that in the deep state’s frenzy of electoral desperation, the ‘impeachment’ card was played. The hammer has fallen. Nearly the entirety of the legacy media news cycle has been dedicated to the details, and not really pertinent details, but the sorts of details which presume the validity of the charges against Trump in the first place. Yes, they all beg the question.

The Frontrunners That Weren’t: Joe Biden Is Why Buttigieg’s in the Race

Joe Biden’s November 20th debate performance was both his fifth and also fifth consecutive poor debate. This comes with campaign foibles and declining poll numbers – Biden’s problem wouldn’t be so enigmatic if DNC and deep-state controlled media didn’t insist that he was the DNC nomination frontrunner, despite their accurately reporting his lack of appeal and poor campaign performance. Sure, there’s name recognition from the Obama administration. As Trump might say ‘yes, he has experience, but it’s bad experience’.