Democrat Party

Are Bernie and the Democrat Party just entertainment? [Video]

The 2020 campaign for Presidential nominee in the Democrat Party is very strange. The characteristics are warped, thrown into a quasi-hypnotic level of distortion. At least, that is how it looks from a conservative viewpoint.
The campaign does do one thing very well. It highlights the extremely vivid ideological divide between a culture of common sense and pragmatic conservatism such as it exists with President Trump, and the schizophrenic range of ideologies that all together make up an extremely liberal offering of candidates.

US delegation to Russia met with lies from Democrats

As reported on the Duran, an American Congressional delegation comprised of seven Republican US Senators and Congressmen traveled to Russia from June 30 to July 5th. During this time the delegation met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Sergey Kislyak.
The two sides expressed hope for a thawing of relations between the US and Russia, which have been in a very poor state since 2014.

Democrat Party Exodus: Millennial white men not welcome (Video)

Public demonization, identity politics, and forcing equality of outcome throughout society, is driving white male millennials away from the Democrat Party.
Young white men are increasingly turned off by the Democrats’ embrace of identity politics. An entire generation of voters has become disillusioned with what was once considered an inclusive, working class left, and has now morphed into a social media lynch mob obsessed with the destruction of “The Patriarchy” and “toxic masculinity”.

Here’s why America’s torturer-in-chief now runs the CIA

On May 17th, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee voted 10 to 5 to approve Gina Haspel as America’s new chief of the Central Intelligence Agency. Back in 2002, she had headed the CIA’s “black site” in Thailand where she ordered and oversaw the torturing of Abu Zubaydah, trying to force him to provide evidence that Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks, but Zubaydah had no such evidence and wasn’t even able credibly to concoct a story that President George W. Bush could use to ‘justify’ America’s invading Iraq in response to 9/11.

Democrat-pushed Mueller SPECTACLE continues to oppress the United States

The Democrats are incredulous, one might suppose. They cannot seem to get over the fact that President Trump is simply not like they are.
After all, their party rigged their own primary in 2016 to make sure that Hillary Rodham Clinton was to be the nominee. The Party threw their very popular candidate, Bernie Sanders, completely under the bus. Of course, he also opted to join them, despite his own campaign rhetoric being in stark contradiction with much of what Hillary’s campaign was about.

SORE LOSER Democrats try to bolster FAILED RussiaGate narrative – by SUING Trump and Russia!

RIA Novosti and Fox News both are running the story of how the Democrat Party of the United States of America is suing President Donald Trump’s campaign officials, the Russian government and WikiLeaks, with the accusation that these three entities were engaged in a conspiracy (RussiaGate) to help Donald Trump win