Demanufacturing Consent

Demanufacturing Consent: Sheldon Richman on Open Borders and the Politics of Walls

DC on BFP #46 | Sheldon Richman joins us to explain why the US government has no moral authority to round up human beings, house them in "detention centers," and ship them off to countries that in many cases the U.S. helped destroy. Also: the moral and economic arguments for open borders and freedom of movement.

Demanufacturing Consent: Peter Van Buren on Iraq, ISIS, and the Ghost of Tom Joad

DC on BFP #45 | Peter Van Buren joins us to discuss his time in Iraq working for the State Department in 2009, what he saw, and why he blew the whistle. We discuss the complex situation on the ground, the US-trained and funded bogeymen ISIS, the disastrous consequences of US intervention, and much more.

Demanufacturing Consent: Michael Maharrey on Nullifying Illegal Spying, Drug War, and the Police State

DC on BFP #44 | Michael Maharrey of the Tenth Amendment Center joins us to discuss to progress of the Off Now campaign to "nullify the NSA." We also discuss how nullification, decentralization, and state's rights can be used to reign back the militarization of local police and end the war on drugs.

Demanufacturing Consent: Lee Camp on Corporatism, Secrecy, and America’s Exceptional Apathy

DC on BFP #43 | Lee Camp joins us to talk about his new show on RT America called "Redacted Tonight," and what it sets it apart from social "steam valves" like The Daily Show. Also, the sociopathic power elite, why good people aren't very good at planning, consumerism, apathy, and optimism for the future.

Demanufacturing Consent: Breadless Circus – World Cup Focalizes Civil Unrest in Brazil

DC on BFP #42 | Ioan Grillo joins us to discuss Brazil, as protests and clashes with police are spurred by the upcoming 2014 FIFA World Cup. We go over the allegations of corruption and the program of "pacification": police raids, homes bulldozed, thousands rendered homeless, and many killed, in an effort to "cleanse" host cities for tourists.

Demanufacturing Consent: Dr. Bruce Levine on Psychiatry’s “Useful Fictions” and Pathologizing Dissent

DC on BFP #41 | Dr. Bruce Levine joins us to discuss how elites in Psychiatry and Psychology have "manufactured consent" through the "chemical imbalance fiction"; how anti-authoritarianism has been pathologized through diagnoses of "oppositional defiant disorder"; and the potential for social engineering through psychiatry, media, and politics.

Demanufacturing Consent: Tom Secker on Snowden, Hollywood, and the CIA

DC on BFP #40 | Tom Secker joins us to discuss Glenn Greenwald's No Place to Hide, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Zero Dark Thirty, and the role of the CIA and the national security state in Hollywood. As the Snowden narrative unravels, will the master story-tellers in Hollywood step in to rewrite history and shape your reality?

Demanufacturing Consent: Jacob Hornberger on US Intervention in Africa and Latin America

DC on BFP #39 | Jacob Hornberger joins us to discuss US interventionist foreign policy in Africa and the ongoing situation with Nigeria, Boko Haram, and the kidnapping of nearly 300 young school girls. Also: the "Cold War mind" in Latin America, the call for "smart sanctions" in Venezuela, and the case for open borders.

Demanufacturing Consent: Todd Miller on the “New World Border”

DC on BFP #38 | Todd Miller joins us to discuss the emergence of the "border-industrial complex," and how its political effects extend beyond the southwestern United States, across the country and around the world. Also, the remarkable story of Arivaca, Arizona and how border communities can resist the homeland security state.