
Trump Handed Germany’s Merkel $375 Billion Invoice For NATO Defense

President Donald Trump meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Friday, March 17, 2017. (AP/Evan Vucci)
A couple of weeks ago we wrote several notes about German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s painfully awkward visit to the White House.  After meeting in private, the pair sat down in the oval office for a brief press conference where you could cut the tension with a knife.  At one point someone from the media asked for a handshake but the request was promptly ignored.

All It Takes is One “Sting like a Bee” Ali a Generation to Conquer “Floating Like a Butterfly” the Greatest Enemy of the Earth

They are young, high school, seniors, boys and girls, running hard, 8 am, along Salmon Creek, a place where I burn the body in a course of hard bicycling waiting for a bald eagle to baptize my day. Great blue herons, red-tailed hawks, egrets, meadowlarks, red winged black birds, and dozens of other species capturing the soul before facing off the empire.