
Patrick Murphy May Not Lie As Gracefully As Trump, But PolitiFact Finds A Clear Pattern Of Willful Deception

Chuck Schumer, in a mad rush to placate the Wall Street banksters angry about Elizabeth Warrem and Bernie Sanders being mean to them, promised he would deliver the Florida Senate nomination to their most dependable errand boy in Congress, Patrick Murphy. In doing so-- without adequately vetting the fatally flawed Murphy-- Schumer would be handing the competitive seat over to the GOP... if not for Alan Grayson, although Schumer and Harry Reid have worked long and hard to smear and destroy the House's most independent-minded and effective member.

CBS Digs Deeper Into Wall Street's Callow, Mediocre Pick For A Florida Senate Seat: The Making Of Patrick Murphy

Jim DeFede continues the unmasking of phony little nonentity Patrick Murphy who has lied his way into power. Watch the devastating CBS report above. Wall Street, the DSCC and a powerful Saudi family are furiously pushing to get Murphy into the Senate and spending millions of dollars to do so.