
US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven To Do More Harm Than Good

scivisionpub | August 27, 2021 For decades, true scientists have warned that pivotal clinical trial designs for vaccines are dangerously flawed and outdated [1]. Vaccines have been promoted and widely utilized under the false claim they have been shown to improve health. However, this claim is only a philosophical argument and not science based. In a true scientific fashion to […]

The Latest Paper From Neil Ferguson et al. Defending the Lockdown Policy is Out of Date, Inaccurate and Misleading

By Mike Hearn • The Daily Sceptic • August 24, 2021 Neil Ferguson’s team at Imperial College London (ICL) has released a new paper, published in Nature, claiming that if Sweden had adopted U.K. or Danish lockdown policies its Covid mortality would have halved. Although we have reviewed many epidemiological papers on this site, and especially from this particular team, […]

The Dubious Ethics of ‘Nudging’ the Public to Comply With Covid Restrictions

By Dr. Gary Sidley | The Daily Sceptic | August 22, 2021 A middle-aged woman, walking along a pavement in the afternoon sunshine, sees a young family approaching and instantly becomes stricken with terror at the prospect of contracting a deadly infection. A man in a queue in a garage kiosk leans into the face […]

China Urges WHO to Scour US Military Biolab in Search for Covid’s Origins

By Ilya Tsukanov – Sputnik – 26.08.2021 Washington and Beijing are in the midst of a heated back-and-forth campaign of claims accusing one another of responsibility for unleashing the coronavirus pandemic on the world. US officials allege that the virus may have been leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, while Chinese officials claim it […]

Regulators knew in 2020 that Covid-19 Vaccines would cause blood clots, heart damage, harm to children, and death

DAILY EXPOSE – AUGUST 22, 2021 Every serious adverse reaction to the Covid-19 vaccines that medicine regulators in both the USA and United Kingdom have been forced to admit is occurring was predicted by the very same medicine regulators to occur before the Covid-19 vaccines were even rolled out. The following video was released by […]

Informed Consent – ‘It’s Your Right’

Canadian Covid Care Alliance | August 22, 2021 In Canada, informed consent to medical interventions – including vaccines – is the law. The Canadian Covid Care Alliance supports Informed Consent. References Contained in Video: Supreme Court of Canada Judgment – Cuthbertson vs Rasouli… “The patient’s consent must be given voluntarily and must be informed.” […]

Will The JFK Assassination Cover-Up Continue in October?

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | August 24, 2021 After President Kennedy’s assassination, the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Secret Service, for some reason, deemed it necessary to keep their records and activities relating to the assassination secret from the American people. “National security,” they said, which didn’t seem to make much sense given […]

Are the FDA and Pfizer-BioNTech scamming us with a license-in-name-only? And why do they want us to be vaccinated so badly?

By Dr. Meryl Nass, MD | August 23, 2021 This is a convoluted legal argument, but since it hinges on the potential loss of huge amounts of money, I think there is a good chance my guess is correct. EUA or “authorized” vaccines and drugs are defined as experimental. Experimental products require informed consent, and […]