
CDC Gives Incoming Refugees Nobel Prize-Winning Ivermectin

By Kelen McBreen | InfoWars | September 3, 2021 All Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees entering the U.S. since 2019 have been prescribed ivermectin. The CDC recommendation advises doctors working for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), who screen refugees in their home countries, and American doctors who treat them […]

US Government Spent $334 Million to Destabilize Lebanon In 2019

By Eric Striker | National Justice | September 4, 2021 A new report by Arab news outlet Al-Khanadeq has confirmed what many have suspected: the October 17th movement was an attempt to destabilize the Lebanese government. The protest group suddenly appeared on the scene in 2019, when they took to the streets demanding the government disarm Hezbollah, […]

The complications from sex reassignment surgery are horrific – but in today’s world, we can’t talk about this

By Brett Sinclair | RT | September 3, 2021 A culture of silence and fear stops people learning what really can happen when you undergo ‘sex change’ operations. The trans lobby tries to portray it as easy and straightforward – yet it’s anything but… There is an unspoken price being paid for the fashionable transgender […]

ACIP vote yesterday, after deceitful CDC briefings, removes liability from Comirnaty and opens door to mandates

By Meryl Nass, MD |  August 31, 2021 In a nutshell: Yesterday CDC asked its advisory committee to “recommend” the Comirnaty vaccine for 16 and 17 year olds. And it agreed, unanimously. Or pusillanimously. The vote may seem silly or superfluous, because it had already been recommended for this age group as an EUA. But […]

Now they tell us … repeat Covid shots for the forseeable future

By Meryl Nass, MD | August 29, 2021 Extraordinary admissions. Extraordinary facial expressions. I typed exactly what she said: “Booster doses, repeat doses will be part of it… I can assure you that the Commonwealth government has purchased large quantities of vaccine into 2022 and this will be a regular cycle of vaccination and revaccination […]


August 26, 2021 AWESOME interview conducted by Vaccine Choice Canada, August 21. Dr. David Martin reveals shocking news everyone, especially Canadians must demand authorities investigate – potentially treasonous acts and crimes against humanity. To keep current with Dr. Martin’s work visit -Activate Humanity: Butterfly of the Week Sources: Dr. David E.