
Most Americans don’t trust Biden and US government on Covid-19 information – poll

RT | September 28, 2021 The Axios/Ipsos poll, released Tuesday, shows 53% of Americans have not very much trust or no trust at all in the president to provide accurate information on the coronavirus. Biden has retained the trust of a minority, with 45% saying they either trust the Democrat a great deal or a […]

Met Office’s Fake Arctic Ice Claims Mislead Public

By Paul Homewood | Not A Lot Of People Know That | September 27, 2021…   The Met Office’s website describes the work they do, rambling on about forecasting the weather and world leading science. Nowhere can I find any reference to publishing fake news or disseminating misleading propaganda. According to the Cambridge Dictionary: Decline = […]

American Medical Association Instructs Doctors to Deceive

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | September 23, 2021 The Winter 2021 “AMA COVID-19 Guide: Background/Messaging on Vaccines, Vaccine Clinical Trials & Combatting Vaccine Misinformation,”1 issued by the American Medical Association (AMA) raises serious questions about the AMA’s adherence to transparency, honesty, ethics and the moral standards to which it will hold its members. The AMA was […]

The Emperor Has No Clothes: COVID Math Simply Doesn’t Add Up

The Defender | September 23, 2021 From the beginning of the series of events branded as a global health emergency, many people have smelled a rat. Whether one looks at leaders’ willingness to engage in wanton economic destruction, or the rapidity with which billionaires have amassed new wealth or the multisectoral efforts to link and mine people’s intimate data, it is not hard to […]

Putin the Poisoner? More Doubts Over Attempts to Delegitimize Russia’s Leader

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | September 23, 2021 It seems that ever since Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election of 2016 the western media and numerous politicians have been working especially hard to convince the world that the Russian government is little better than a modern version […]