
Covid Test Swabs Found Contaminated With Aluminium, Silicon and Dangerous Chemicals

By Will Jones  • The Daily Sceptic • October 27 2021 A public sector trade union in Cyprus has called for the suspension of rapid lateral flow tests after analysis found multiple times the permissible trace level of ethylene oxide. The analysis by Cyprus-based Food Allergens Lab found 0.36 mg/kg of ethylene oxide in one swab, over seven times the limit of […]

As evidence emerges of provocateurs inciting the Jan 6 Capitol riot, was an asset working on behalf of the FBI to stir up trouble?

By Kit Klarenberg | RT | October 27, 2021 The bureau has form for this modus operandi, after all. Just what was the role of mysterious ex-Marine Ray Epps in fomenting the invasion? And why’s he been removed from the list of suspects and not been arrested? Ever since January 6, speculation has abounded that […]

What the CIA Is Hiding in the JFK Assassination

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | October 26, 2021 With President Biden succumbing to the CIA’s demand to continue keeping the CIA’s records relating to the Kennedy assassination secret, the question naturally arises: What is the CIA still hiding? (See my blog post of yesterday entitled “Surprise! Biden Continues the CIA’s JFK Assassination Cover-Up.”) […]

George Soros backs liberal media company with a mission to counter fake news & promote ‘Good Information’

By Nebojsa Malic | RT | October 26, 2021 The newest combatant in the US ‘disinformation’ wars is a media company bankrolled by Democrat mega-donors Reid Hoffman and George Soros, and run by an operative whose astroturfed local news outfit was actual misinformation. Good Information, Inc. launched on Tuesday as “a civic incubator committed to investing […]

Ten red flags in the FDA’s risk-benefit analysis of Pfizer’s EUA application to jab American children 5 to 11

By Toby Rogers | October 25, 2021 Where to even begin with the FDA’s preposterous risk-benefit analysis of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” in children ages 5 to 11? Let’s start with my bona fides. I have a year of undergraduate statistics at one of the best liberal arts colleges in America (Swarthmore). I have a year of […]

Leaked NAT0 Document is a Part of a Bigger Luciferian Transhumanist Plan

  Jay Dyer guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the leaked NATO documents showing a part of the bigger Luciferian transhumanist plan. The video is available here free by signing up at Rokfin, the net’s best free speech platform! Remember to boost that T naturally with 40% all products at using […]

Evils of the Vatican: Pope Frank, Heresy, and Globalism with Jay Dyer

 “In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer to talk about the multitude of heresy and evil coming from Pope Francis and the Vatican. Be it medical passports, partnering in resetting the Global economic structure, Pachamama worship, mass migration, or outright Christian heresy, the Vatican is a key culprit to the tragic ills […]

Climate Change Activists Pushing Establishment Narrative Wonder Why They’re Not in Prison

By Paul Joseph Watson | Summit News | October 25, 2021 Climate change activists from ‘Extinction Rebellion’ who are actually furthering the establishment narrative on climate change expressed shock that they weren’t in prison despite repeatedly blocking major roads and causing accidents. Gee, I wonder. 61 campaigners from Insulate Britain, an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion, … … Continue reading →

Surprise! Biden Continues the CIA’s JFK Assassination Cover-Up

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | October 25, 2021 Before I address President Biden’s decision last Friday to continue the national-security establishment’s cover-up of its November 22, 1963, regime-change operation in Dallas, I wish to make one thing perfectly clear: I am not Nostradamus.  Yes, I fully realize that I repeatedly predicted that Biden […]