
Ofcom Replies to Complaint About Sky’s Collaboration With the Nudge Unit

Use of Covert Psychological Techniques to Promote Climate Change Dogma By Toby Young | The Daily Sceptic | February 23, 2022 Towards the end of last year, Laura Dodsworth and I complained to Ofcom about a collaboration between Sky U.K. and the Behavioural Insights Team – then part-owned by the Cabinet Office – to use “behavioural science principles”, including subliminal […]

Skepticism as a New Way of Life

BY JOAKIM BOOK | BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE | FEBRUARY 22, 2022 The 2020-2022 pandemic split parties and ideologues, separated friend from friend and family members from family members. Neighbors were dangerous, and strangers even more so: the invisible enemy stalking our lands overturned every other concern in life: The conflicts it spurred replaced bonds of affection with fear and […]

Trudeau’s West Grey accuser was much younger than first thought

The Buffalo Chronicle | October 19, 2019 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s underage accuser was much younger at the time of their relationship than was first thought, her father tells The Chronicle. Some in the public discourse pegged the accusor at 17 years old. That is inaccurate. “She was much, much younger than that,” the wealthy Canadian […]

We the people, demand to see the data!

CDC withholding evidence concerning COVID vaccine safety is scientific fraud By Robert W Malone MD, MS | February 21, 2022 The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects New York Times, February 21, 2022 The agency has withheld critical data on boosters, hospitalizations… “Two full years into the pandemic, the agency leading […]

CDC Has Withheld COVID Data From Americans To ‘Prevent Vaccine Hesitency’: Report

By Steve Watson | Summit News | February 21, 2022 The New York Times reported this past weekend that the CDC has chosen not to publish huge amounts of COVID data, instead keeping it secret, because it fears that the information would cause ‘vaccine hesitancy’ among the American public. The report notes that the withheld data includes […]

Bill Gates is Ready to Capitalize on ‘The Next Pandemic’

21st Century Wire | February 20, 2022 As the old says goes: “there’s no rest for the wicked.” That’s certainly the case with vaccine mogul Bill Gates. As the world finally gets an opportunity to take a breath easy – after being suffocated by two years of pandemic theatre and 24/7 government and corporate pharmaceutical […]

How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more

Meryl Nass, MD Alliance for Human Research Protection | June 28, 2020 Below, Dr. Meryl Nass reviews a long list of corrupt practices that undermine the integrity of medical science and the practice of medicine during the current  medical crisis. The coronavirus crisis has been made significantly worse by stakeholders who are preventing doctors from […]

The Evil and Malevolence of the Pentagon’s Brilliant Strategy in Ukraine

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | February 18, 2022 The crisis in Ukraine demonstrates the sheer brilliance of Pentagon strategists. Yes, granted, it’s an evil and malevolent strategy, but nonetheless one cannot help but admire it for its sheer ingenuity. The strategy has involved maneuvering Russia into having to make a choice between two […]