
Public Health Scotland and the misinterpretation of data

Health Advisory & Recovery Team | March 4, 2022 “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” – Sir Walter Scott Throughout the last two years Public Health Scotland (PHS) has punched above its weight by providing reliable data that has quantified the impact of the Scottish government’s COVID-19 response […]

CHD Says Pfizer and FDA Dropped Data Bombshell on COVID Vaccine Consumers

Children’s Health Defense | March 03, 2022 Washington, DC, — In a 55,000-page set of documents released on Tuesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) is for the first time allowing the public to access data Pfizer submitted to FDA from its clinical trials in support of […]

Russian MoD responds to Zaporozhskaya nuclear power station incident

RT | March 4, 2022 The spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, issued an official statement on Friday morning concerning the shootout and fire that had occurred at Ukraine’s Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plant earlier the same day. “Last night, an attempt to carry out a horrible provocation was made by […]

International nuclear watchdog passes resolution on Ukraine

RT March 3, 2022 In a resolution passed on Thursday by its board of directors, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reportedly “deplored” Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia has denounced the document, calling it politicized and factually incorrect. The resolution, which is yet to be published, apparently calls on Russia to allow the Ukrainian authorities […]

Military lab changed mission statement after report questioned value of its work

A BSL-4 lab at Fort Detrick is shown. (Courtesy of: the Office of the Maryland Governor) By Emily Kopp | US Right To Know | March 1, 2022 The Army’s premier biolab changed its mission statement after a 2014 report by high-ranking officials concluded its work has become less useful since its Cold War heyday and no longer […]

Why did the US embassy official website just REMOVE all evidence of Ukrainian bioweapons labs?

By Lance D Johnson | Natural News | March 2, 2022 The official US embassy website recently REMOVED all evidence of bio-labs in Ukraine. These bio-labs are funded and jointly operated by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The laboratory documents were public knowledge up until February 25, 2022. These documents include important construction, financing and […]

German insurance executive who warned of the high vaccine side-effect rate revealed by billing data, has been fired

eugyppius | March 1, 2022 Two weeks ago, BKK ProVita chairman Andreas Schöfbeck caused a small uproar by writing to Germany’s vaccine regulator, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, to inquire about the high rate of vaccine side-effects evident from BKK billing data. Schöfbeck has now been fired following an hours-long company meeting this morning, at which he was called upon to […]