
The great Aids scam – a dry run for Covid

By James Delingpole | TCW Defending Freedom | March 25, 2022 IF YOU are British and of a certain age, you’ll remember the doomily portentous 1986/7 Aids warning campaign promoted by the UK government. The slogan ran ‘Aids: Don’t Die of Ignorance.’ Here’s the most memorable ad. It featured the gravelly voice of John Hurt warning: ‘There […]

A Damning Opinion Piece in the British Medical Journal on the Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine

How medicine has been corrupted by corporate interests The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter | March 23, 2022 A reader sent me this opinion piece published in the British Medical Journal last week. The authors argue that evidence based medicine (EBM) has been corrupted by corporate interests, failed regulation and commercialisation of academia. The article begins by discussing how […]

New Taxpayer-Funded Ads Push COVID Shots for Young Kids

By David Charbonneau, Ph.D. | The Defender | March 22, 2022 The Biden administration last week launched an advertising campaign urging parents to vaccinate their young children against COVID. The campaign, funded by taxpayers through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, features emotional pleas from leaders of some of America’s largest professional healthcare associations. The ads […]

Clueless CDC Admits They Never Suspected Waning Vaccines

By Dr. Joseph Mercola | March 21, 2022 March 3, 2022, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky answered questions in front of medical students at her alma mater, Washington University. This is an excerpt of the 45-minute presentation,1 during which Walensky made several statements about the public health response to COVID-19 in the past two years, admitting […]

CHD Wins Federal District Court Injunction On DC’s Minor Consent for Vaccinations Act

Children’s Health Defense | March 21, 2022 Washington, DC – On March 18, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia issued an order granting a preliminary injunction to prohibit the mayor of the District of Columbia, the D.C. Department of Health and D.C. public schools from enforcing the D.C. Minor Consent for Vaccination Act of 2020 until […]