
Parsing the “data” from Moderna’s selective leaks to the press about its failed clinical trial in kids under 6

The shot made no difference against Covid but it does cause myocarditis and came with a 15% to 17% adverse event rate. Meanwhile the CDC admits that 74.2% of kids already have natural immunity. By Toby Rogers | April 30, 2022 On Friday, the NY Times and other stenographers for the cartel breathlessly announced that Moderna has asked the […]

Kickbacks, Corruption & Scandal: The History of the CDC

By Michael Bryant | OffGuardian | April 29, 2022 The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was founded in 1946 as a backwater quasi-governmental agency with a negligible budget and a handful of employees tasked with a simple mission: “prevent malaria from spreading across the nation.” Seventy-five years later it has metastasized into a multi-billion dollar bureaucratic behemoth that […]

Post office social media surveillance program found to be illegal

By Christina Maas | Reclaim The Net | April 1, 2022 A review conducted by the Postal Service Office of Inspector General found that the Postal Service surveillance program iCOP exceeded its legal authority by surveilling Americans during protests between 2018 and 2021. In 2021, Yahoo News reported the existence of the secret program, prompting outrage […]

China calls for ‘objective’ analysis of Russia’s claims about US biolabs in Ukraine

Samizdat | April 1, 2022 The international community should provide a “fair, objective and professional” assessment of Russia’s allegations regarding alleged US military laboratories in Ukraine, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said. In March, Russia shared evidence obtained from laboratories across Ukraine that apparently confirms that Pentagon-funded labs were working on “biological weapons components,” […]

Coronavirus Fact-check #15: “We know all the risks of Covid vaccines”

OffGuardian | March 31, 2022 Yesterday morning, celebrity doctor Sara Kayat appeared on GB News to defend the UK government’s decision to “offer” coronavirus vaccinations to children between the ages of 5 and 11. In standing up for the policy, Dr Kayat made the following statement: It’s important we remind parents that the [Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization] […]

Russia presents new evidence on Ukraine biolabs, comments on links to Biden and US

Samizdat | March 31, 2022 The Russian military has presented documents showing Ukraine’s interest in using drones to deliver weaponized pathogens developed in US-funded biolabs. Names of US officials involved in the biolabs projects, and the role the current US president’s son played in the program, were also made public during the special briefing on […]

NYT Painted Matt Gaetz as a Child Sex Trafficker. One Year Later, He Has Not Been Charged.

By Glenn Greenwald | March 31, 2022 On March 30 of last year, The New York Times published an article that was treated as a bombshell by the political class. Citing exclusively anonymous sources — “three people briefed on the matter” — the Paper of Record announced that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) “is being investigated by the Justice […]

A Peer-Reviewed Statistical Analysis of the 2020 Election

By Andy May | Watts Up With That? | March 31, 2022 Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times reported on a new peer-reviewed paper that analyzes the results of the 2020 election and found Biden received 255,000 excess votes. It has been accepted for publication by the journal Public Choice and was written by Dr. John R. Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center. […]