
What’s Not in the CIA’s Still-Secret JFK Files

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | November 16, 2022 The deadline for the release of the CIA’s long-secret JFK-assassination records is rapidly approaching. The deadline is December 15. As I have previously predicted though, the CIA will demand that President Biden continue its cover-up of its November 22, 1963, regime-change operation, and President Biden will comply […]

Why is Nature Praising the Use of Propaganda During the Pandemic and Calling for More?

BY DR GARY SIDLEY | THE DAILY SCEPTIC | NOVEMBER 15, 2022 Throughout the Covid era, those expressing views at odds with the dominant narrative were often subjected to unprecedented levels of censorship and psychological manipulation. Academic journals played a significant role in this silencing of alternative voices by, for example, ignoring the work of established scholars, perpetuating bias, rejecting […]

The “Fact Check” Scam

By Paul Craig Roberts | Institute for Political Economy | November 16, 2022 Last Monday I received an email from NewsGuard, “an independent organization that rates and reviews news outlets based on nine apolitical journalistic criteria.” The analyst asked me to comment on two statements in my columns in which I am accused of “advancing […]

More “sudden heart attacks” … with a “climate change” twist

By Kit Knightly | OffGuardian | November 15, 2022 Anyone following the news cycle since the Covid “vaccines” rolled out has seen a simply remarkable uptick in the number of things that can reportedly cause sudden strokes or heart attacks. Cold weather, hot weather, depression, various food, long covid AND short covid, new magical chemicals just found […]

Fact check – Iran has not sentenced ‘15,000’ protesters to death

The Cradle | November 15, 2022 In the past few days, social media has been flooded with unsubstantiated reports alleging that the Islamic Republic of Iran sentenced 15,000 protesters to death in the wake of street protests and violent riots sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini. The misleading allegations largely stem from a 6 November report […]

Israel refuses to cooperate with FBI probe into journalist’s death

RT | November 15, 2022 Israel has carried out its own probe into the death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and won’t cooperate with the FBI’s investigation into the incident, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz tweeted on Monday. Media reports claimed the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had launched a probe into the […]