
Reneging on Abraham Accords, Netanyahu authorises ‘soft annexation’ of West Bank

MEMO | November 24, 2022 Israel’s designate Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been accused of breaking his agreement with Arab countries that normalised relations with the Occupation State during the current coalition negotiations. The Likud leader is reported to have agreed to move the civil administration in the West Bank from Israeli Ministry of Defence […]

Time to come clean about Covid’s lab origins

By Neville Hodgkinson | TCW Defending Freedom | November 24, 2022 More than two years ago, an Anglo-Norwegian team of scientists demonstrated unique ‘fingerprints’ of laboratory manipulation in the Covid virus. They argued that the evidence as good as proved that the virus had originated in a lab rather than evolving naturally. The manipulation, which […]

Four Myths about Pandemic Preparedness

By David Bell | Brownstone Institute | November 24, 2022 We are assured by the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the G20, and their friends that pandemics pose an existential threat to our survival and well-being. Pandemics are becoming more common, and if we don’t move urgently we will have ourselves to blame for more mass death of the […]

The collapse of FTX is an embarrassment for globalists

By Lucy Wyatt | TCW Defending Freedom | November 23, 2022 The spectacular crash of FTX, discussed in TCW yesterday, is developing into a scandal of epic proportions. On Friday November 11 FTX filed for bankruptcy, owing in excess of $3.1billion to more than a million customers, including major institutional investors such as BlackRock and Sequoia Capital. […]

New Fauci emails show Drosten, other Corona astrologers debating whether and how to address lab origin hypothesis

Drosten: “Didn’t we congregate to challenge a certain theory, and if we could, drop it?” eugyppius – a plague chronicle – November 23, 2022 In February 2020, virologists were beginning to worry that discussion about the origins of SARS-2 was getting out of hand. Four of them – Edward Holmes, Kristian Andersen, Andrew Rambaut and […]

Finding mRNA in breast milk typifies how covid vaccine safety was oversold

By Maryanne Demasi, PhD | November 21, 2022 On 24 Sept 2021, when CDC director Rochelle Walensky was asked if it was safe to receive a covid-19 vaccine while breastfeeding, her reply was unwavering: “There is no bad time to get vaccinated,” said Walensky. “Get vaccinated while you’re thinking about having a baby, before you’re thinking about […]

JFK Assassination: 59 years of lies still haven’t buried the TRUTH

By Kit Knightly | OffGuardian | November 22, 2022 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was not assassinated with three shots from the book depository fired by Lee Harvey Oswald. And almost all of us know it. In opinion polls going back to November 29th 1963, just a week after the shooting, at least a sixty-percent majority has rejected the […]

Putting an End to Volodymyr Zelensky’s Follies

BY PHILIP GIRALDI • UNZ REVIEW • NOVEMBER 22, 2022 One week ago, the Ukrainian government may have deliberately attacked neighbor Poland in an attempt to draw the NATO alliance into its war with Russia. The incident involved a missile that hit a grain processing site inside Poland and killed two farmers. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky […]