
Merkel’s ‘confession’ may be ground for tribunal – Moscow

RT | December 8, 2022 A confession by former German chancellor Angela Merkel regarding the true nature of the Minsk agreements – a roadmap for peace in Ukraine that was brokered by Berlin – could be used as evidence in a tribunal involving Western politicians responsible for provoking the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev, […]

Roosevelt’s Infamy

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | December 7, 2022 Eighty-one years ago today, Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack killed 2,335 military personnel and 68 civilians. It also damaged or destroyed 19 U.S. Navy ships, including 8 battleships. December 7, 1941, was, President Franklin Roosevelt stated, a “date that would live in […]

CDC and Census Bureau had direct access to Twitter portal where they could flag speech for censorship

By Tom Parker | Reclaim The Net | December 7, 2022 Emails between an employee at the United States (US) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Twitter have revealed that at least one CDC staff member and the US Census Bureau had access to Twitter’s dedicated “Partner Support Portal” which allows approved government partners to […]

Climategate: 13th anniversary

By Robert Bradley Jr. | MasterResource | November 22, 2022 “There is no doubt that these emails are embarrassing and a public-relations disaster for science.” – Andrew Dessler, “Climate E-Mails Cloud the Debate,” December 10, 2009. It has been 13 years since the intellectual scandal erupted called Climategate. Each anniversary inspires recollections and regurgitation of salient quotations. These […]

Get it Right, Washington Post, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Decline in Coral Reefs

By H. Sterling Burnett | Climate Realism |November 21, 2022 The Washington Post (WP) published a story detailing how the efforts by a Malaysian “coral gardener,” Anuar Abdulla, to restore coral reefs near his home have resulted in him being consulted on coral restoration efforts globally. Unfortunately, rather than simply delivering well earned praise to Abdullah for […]

Doubts Remain About 40.3C Record at U.K. Airbase After Met Office Fails to Respond to Questions

BY CHRIS MORRISON | THE DAILY SCEPTIC | DECEMBER 4, 2022 The Met Office has failed to quash the doubts that have arisen about its claimed 40.3°C UK record temperature produced on the afternoon of July 19th by the side of the main runway at RAF Coningsby. The military station is home to two squadrons of Typhoon […]

Israel ‘afraid’ to reveal looted Palestinian documents fearing debunked Zionist myths

MEMO | December 5, 2022 Israeli historian Shay Hazkani has said that the Israel State Archive’s refusal to release written material looted from the Palestinians on the pretext that this would “undermine national security” is actually “cover for a completely different fear”. He believes that the tens of thousands of documents looted by Israel during […]