
Moscow: US to Spend $11 Billion on Cyberattacks Against ‘Unwanted’ Governments

© AP Photo / Department of Defense, Cherie Cullen Samizdat – 10.12.2022 MOSCOW – Washington plans to spend around $11 billion next year on carrying out cyberattacks with the aim of controlling unfriendly governments, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov said in an interview with Sputnik. “Western countries want to use information and its carriers […]

Who’s actually running out of missiles in Ukraine?

By Drago Bosnic | December 9, 2022 For nearly 10 months the mainstream propaganda machine has been trying to convince the world that Russia is running out of advanced weapons, particularly precision-guided munitions (PGMs) which are essential in long-range strikes against strategically important targets controlled by Kiev. The Russian military is supposedly so desperate that it is expropriating washing […]


By Helmholtz Smith | Son Of The New American Revolution | December 8, 2022 Russian has a rather complicated adjective недоговороспособны (nedogovorosposobny) for which there isn’t any good English equivalent. Literally it means something like “not together in speaking to find a way”; the clumsy English word used is not-agreement-capable. The meaning is “you can’t […]

US betrays EU allies’ interests skillfully using Ukrainian conflict to its advantage

By Uriel Araujo | December 9, 2022 This week London announced it has ordered thousands of new anti-tank weapons to restock, after sending thousands of its units to Ukraine. Meanwhile, it has been reported that Washington is weighing Kiev’s requests to provide the country with cluster munition warheads. Both the UK and NATO have been almost running out of […]

How the ‘Twitter Files’ have exposed a senior FBI official’s role in manipulating the outcome of the 2020 US election

By Felix Livshitz | RT | December 9, 2022 Internal Twitter documents and communications published by the journalist Matt Taibbi have provided devastating detail on a sweeping censorship operation conducted by the social network. They expose the central role played by a senior FBI agent in potentially influencing the outcome of the 2020 US election. Immediate reaction to […]

Twitter Update to Show Users if They Were ‘Shadowbanned’, Elon Musk Says

Samizdat – 09.12.2022 US billionaire entrepreneur and newly minted Twitter owner Elon Musk said on Friday that the company had been working on a software update to let users know if they have been “shadowbanned.” “Twitter is working on a software update that will show your true account status, so you know clearly if you’ve […]

Twitter’s ‘secret blacklists’ exposed

RT | December 8, 2022 Twitter has created a series of barriers and tools for moderators to prevent specific tweets and entire topics from trending, or limit the visibility of entire accounts, according to internal correspondence and interviews with multiple high-level sources within the company. Despite repeated public assurances by top Twitter officials that the […]

Whitty and Vallance, the Pandemic Pinocchios

Sir Patrick Vallance is with Chris Whitty. Source: Sky News By Serena Wylde | TCW Defending Freedom | December 6, 2022 In this dystopian era, honest scientists and physicians have become accustomed to having to painstakingly counter the fabrications and unsubstantiated claims made by ministers and health officials. They have done this with cool logic and hard evidence. The Great Barrington Declaration put forth sensible analysis and […]

Another Reichstag fire?

Free West Media | December 8, 2022 Drawing parallels between the latest operetta staged in Germany and Trump’s alleged capture of the Capitol in the United States quite clearly indicate who is behind the story of the “seizure of the Bundestag”. In both these cases, these “conspiracies” were used to attack the opposition and political […]