
Truth a Major Casualty of Impeachment Hearings

By Jeremy Kuzmarov | CounterPunch | January 28, 2020 As in any political battle, truth has been one of the major casualties of the impeachment proceedings against President Donald J. Trump. While the Democratic impeachment managers have accused Trump repeatedly of dishonesty – often with good reason – they themselves have twisted the truth to […]

OPCW cannot be influenced by outside actors, the watchdog needs to be salvaged: British general

RT | January 27, 2020 The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) needs to salvage its reputation after whistleblowers offered credible evidence of deceitful reporting on the Douma incident, a former head of UK commandos has said. The international chemical weapons watchdog is under increasing pressure to come clean about how it prepared […]

Colombia: Ex-FARC Member and Peace Deal Signatory Assassinated

teleSUR | January 26, 2020 Former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) member and peace agreement signatory John Freddy Vargas was murdered Saturday after attending a meeting in a church in Huila. Vargas, 42, was shot multiple times while he was on a motorcycle with his girlfriend, after the meeting with officials from the Agency […]

Under fire for presidency bid, Bolivia interim leader asks all ministers to resign

Press TV – January 27, 2020 Bolivia’s interim leader Jeanine Anez has asked all cabinet ministers to resign months ahead of general elections amid growing criticisms of her bid to run for president despite an earlier pledge not to do so. A presidential statement on Sunday said that Anez’s decision was in line with efforts […]