
As usual, defense bill gives millions of dollars to Israel, but no one tells Americans

By Alison Weir | If Americans Knew | December 23, 2022 Unlike U.S. media, Israeli media announce that the new spending bill contains many millions of dollars for Israel, which is a tiny foreign country known for its human rights abuses and spying on the U.S. Israel National News reports that the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act signed into law … … Continue reading →

FBI Infiltration of Big Tech put US on fast track to Neofascist Technocratic Autocracy

By Ekaterina Blinova – Samizdat – 24.12.2022 The recently released sixth and seventh batches of the Twitter Files shed light on the FBI’s instructions to censor specific tweets and accounts for “violating” the company’s terms of service. The internal documents also lifted the veil of secrecy on how the bureau launched an apparent damage control […]

How Billionaires Fill the Media With Climate Fear and Panic

BY CHRIS MORRISON| THE DAILY SCEPTIC | DECEMBER 20, 2022 The popular prints are flooded with climate and weather misinformation. Net Zero, seen by increasing numbers of people as a looming disaster, is lauded to the skies. Few journalists investigate the ‘unsettled’ science behind unproven claims that humans cause most, if not all, changes in […]

Sweden Confirms ‘Baltic Titanic’ Was Used for Secret Military Transports

Samizdat – 23.12.2022 The Estonia’s sinking in 1994 killed 852 people and is seen as the second-worst peacetime maritime disaster, ranking only behind the Titanic. With decades having gone by, questions about the tragedy abound, despite survivors’ numerous calls for justice. In a sensational confession, the Swedish Armed Forces have admitted that the Estonia passenger […]

What Is Crimson Contagion?

By Jeffrey A. Tucker | Brownstone Institute | December 22, 2022 The lockdowns of March 2020 shocked the American people and most public health agencies, not to mention infectious disease doctors. The idea of school shutdowns, business closures, plus mandatory remote work and other restrictions have previously seemed inconceivable. It was especially remarkable to have […]

Ukraine’s War with Russia Has Nothing to Do With Freedom

By Jacob G. Hornberger | FFF | December 22, 2022 Yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appeared before a joint session of Congress to plead for more billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money to help Ukraine in its war with Russia. One particular sentence in Zelensky’s address caught my attention: “We Ukrainians will also go … … Continue reading →

How Suspicious is it That U.S. Intelligence Spotted the Coronavirus in Wuhan Weeks Before China Did?

BY WILL JONES | THE DAILY SCEPTIC | DECEMBER 21, 2022 Here’s something that’s been bugging me. How did U.S. intelligence analysts pick up on what they deemed a dangerous novel virus in China at a time when there’s no good evidence China had picked up on it or was concerned? How did they spot […]