
These Doctors Pushed Masking, Covid Lockdowns on Twitter. Turns Out, They Don’t Exist

By Matthew Kupfer • The Standard • December 13, 2022 Last month, Dr. Robert Honeyman lost their sister to Covid. They wrote about it on Twitter and received dozens of condolences, over 4,000 retweets and 43,000 likes. Exactly one month later, on Dec. 12, Honeyman wrote that another tragedy had befallen their family. “Sad to […]

UK Gov’t Whistleblower Reveals Massive Spike in Excess Deaths Since COVID Jab Rollout, More Than 1000 a Week

By Jamie White | InfoWars | January 7, 2023 A UK government whistleblower has come forward to reveal there’s been a massive spike of excess deaths since the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines.” James Wells, a former European Parliament MEP and senior member of the UK Office for National Statistics, joined Nigel Farage on GB […]

Internal CDC Emails Claim Assistant Secretary For Health Blocked Release Of Fluoride Review

By Derrick Broze | The Last American Vagabond | January 5, 2023  Newly released emails reveal that leadership within the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Health acted to prevent the release of a long-delayed review of fluoride’s toxicity by the National Toxicology Program. The emails specifically claim that Assistant […]

‘Pre-bunking’ lies around biotech, the serial killer

By Guy Hatchard | TCW Defending Freedom | January 5, 2023 Jeremy Fleming, the head of GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), one of three leading spy agencies in the UK, has publicly discussed the agency’s wish to promote ‘pre-bunking’ – feeding the public with information designed to undermine narratives before they even appear on social media. In […]

A deal with the devil of Moderna

By Edward Fitzgibbon | TCW Defending Freedom | January 4, 2023 A press release slipped out just before Christmas on the government website outlines, in the banal bureaucratese of such documents, a truly dreadful lurch towards medical totalitarianism. A ten-year ‘partnership’ has been ‘cemented between Moderna and the UK government’ to produce up to 250million […]

Fake news about North Korea arming the Wagner PMC as an illustration of new “evidence” trends

By Konstantin Asmolov – New Eastern Outlook – 04.01.2023 It would seem that not long ago we touched on the intricate situation regarding rumors of North Korean or South Korean arms being supplied to the region of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, noting that there was no real evidence of either. Unfortunately, the situation is not evolving for […]

Documents reveal how ‘Russiagate’ was used for Twitter censorship

RT | January 4, 2023 Internal documents from Twitter made public on Tuesday show how the social media platform was pressured to follow the US intelligence community’s lead on censorship back in 2017. Key Democrats in the US Congress, a British university and two media outlets – Politico and BuzzFeed – played a major role […]

Ukrainian MP Deletes Hoax Photo She Claimed Showed Victim of ‘Russian Artillery Attack’

Picture of a book Cover Ukrainian politician attempted to pass off as a victim of the conflict in Ukraine – © Twitter By Wyatt Reed – Samizdat – 03.01.2023 The latest falsified photo posted by an infamous Ukrainian legislator was widely mocked on Twitter by incredulous users. A widely-shared photo which claimed to show a […]