
Snopes: ‘Misleading’ to Correctly Point Out Biden’s Cancer Charity Spent Millions On Salaries, Zero On Research

By Chris Menahan | InformationLiberation | November 18, 2020 The Biden Cancer Initiative spent the majority of the millions it brought in on salaries and zero on research but pointing that out is “misleading,” according to Snopes. The New York Post exposed Biden’s shady “charity” in an article last week titled, “Tax filings reveal Biden […]

Joe Biden: I Do Not Want a National Shutdown; I Just Want a National Shutdown.

By Adam Dick | Ron Paul Institute | November 20, 2020 During the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden declared that he would be ready and willing as president to follow the recommendation of scientists to shut down the country in the name of countering coronavirus. Then, on Thursday, Biden insisted he would not, as president, […]

No, Climate Change Is Not Eliminating Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce

By James Taylor | ClimateRealism | November 19, 2020 The Washington Post published an article yesterday claiming climate change is devastating Massachusetts cranberry production and threatening to eliminate America’s Thanksgiving cranberry sauce. In related news, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is forecasting a record 2020 Massachusetts cranberry crop. The Washington Post article is titled, “How […]

In Shocking Reversal, Wayne County Election Board Republicans Rescind Certifications; Claim Family Threatened

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 11/19/2020 In a stunning development out of Wayne County, Michigan – two GOP members of the Board of Canvassers have rescinded their certifications of the Nov. 3 vote, claiming they were bullied into approving the election results in the state’s most populous county, which includes Detroit and surrounding […]

US security agency accused of spying on European private companies

By Lucas Leiroz | November 18, 2020 A new cyber espionage scandal involving American intelligence agencies is being revealed – this time in Europe. Government ministries and Danish private companies were targets of US espionage, according to a recent report by an anonymous informer. The US National Security Agency (NSA) appears to have used top-secret […]

Pentagon fails another audit but comptroller insists they’ll pass soon… like in 2027

RT | November 17, 2020 The Pentagon has failed its third-ever audit as its budget grows to record size – but the Defense Department comptroller wants taxpayers to know the agency will almost certainly have its books in order by 2027. Interim Pentagon comptroller Thomas Harker defended the Pentagon’s third failure in a row since […]

“The First Thing We Do”: The Lawless Campaign To Harass Lawyers Representing The Trump Campaign

By Jonathan Turley | The Hill | November 16, 2020 Less than a week after the election being called for President-elect Biden, supporters are turning to Shakespeare’s “Henry VI” for their first priority: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” That lawless fantasy of the character “Dick the Butcher” appears to have found acceptance not only […]

Townhall Columnist Marina Medvin Falls for Dachau Gas Chamber Hoax

By John Huss • Unz Review • November 7, 2020 Last month, columnist Marina Medvin published a column about letters allegedly written by Leon Morin, a 29-year old soldier who helped liberate the Dachau concentration camp in 1945. In his letters, Morin made a number of eyebrow-raising claims about Dachau—claims that Medvin swallowed uncritically: […]