
Year Zero

By CJ Hopkins | Consent Factory | December 16, 2020 2020 was GloboCap Year Zero. The year when the global capitalist ruling classes did away with the illusion of democracy and reminded everyone who is actually in charge, and exactly what happens when anyone challenges them. In the relatively short span of the last ten […]

What Joe Biden’s Electoral College “Victory” Really Means

By Kit Knightly | OffGuardian | December 15, 2020 So, the electoral college cast their votes, and they handed Joe Biden the Presidency. The decision was never in any serious doubt. We’ve been over the evidence the election was rigged, we’ve discussed at length the potential corruption of postal ballots (historically the least safe way […]

The COVID vaccine and the commercial conquest of the planet: The Plan

By Jon Rappoport | No More Fake News | December 15, 2020 For the past 30 years, I’ve written about the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines, including the new COVID vaccine. I’ve written about cutting edge nanotechnology research and its use, in vaccines, as implanted sensors, which would surveil body and brain processes in real […]

Hunter Biden News Should Shame Dismissive Media Outlets

By Mark Hemingway | RealClear Politics | December 14, 2020 Hunter Biden announced Wednesday he is under federal investigation for his financial dealings in foreign countries, including China. While the news sent shockwaves through Washington, D.C., it shouldn’t have been surprising. The announcement confirms many of the allegations of corruption that were leveled against Hunter […]

Stealth Green New Deal language being slipped into take-it-or-leave-it House spending package

AEA Urges Senate and House Leaders to Reject “Sense of Congress” Nonsense By Anthony Watts | Watts Up With That? | December 14, 2020 WASHINGTON DC – The American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, sounded the alarm today on a proposed Sense of Congress resolution that if adopted, […]

Jack Dorsey, the CIA and Twitter Censorship in the Age of Covid-19

By Vanessa Beeley | Unlimited Hangout | December 10, 2020 Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, has embedded himself in some of the most powerful global influencer complexes. His techno-mining of African potential and the increasing use of Twitter as a surveillance tool for the corporatocracy have generated the opportunity for Dorsey to play an increasingly pivotal […]

Bottom falls out of Western narrative as Sunday Times claims Navalny was poisoned twice

By Paul Robinson | RT | December 14, 2020 Long known as the “house journal” of British spooks, it now appears the Sunday Times has given up any pretence of critical journalism and is unquestionably publishing what intelligence officials want to place in the public domain. A prominent liberal Russian journalist once commented that Western […]

Democratic National Committee’s ‘intervention’ to blame for chaos at 2020 Iowa caucuses: Audit reveals

RT | December 13, 2020 An audit commissioned by the Iowa Democratic Party has found that the national Democratic Party’s “intervention” in the process led to the delayed and questioned results at the very beginning of the 2020 presidential election. The Iowa caucuses should have kicked off a frontrunner in the race for the party’s […]