
Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement

By Jeremy Loffredo and Whitney Webb | Unlimited Hangout | December 26, 2020 The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust. On April 30th, AstraZeneca and Oxford University announced a “landmark agreement” for the development of a […]

Fauci admits to LYING about Covid-19 herd immunity threshold to manipulate public support for vaccine

RT | December 25, 2020 Dr. Anthony Fauci, the epidemiologist revered almost religiously as a hero by mainstream media outlets and Democrat politicians, has admitted that he lied to Americans to manipulate their acceptance of a new Covid-19 vaccine. The intentional deception involved estimates for what percentage of the population will need to be immunized […]

Data giant Palantir’s murky track record raises alarming questions about secret, potentially illegal £23 million NHS deal

By Kit Klarenberg | RT | December 23, 2020 Palantir has won a huge contract to continue its work on the NHS Covid-19 Data Store. But the British public will have no way of knowing how the private information the company has been granted access to will be used. The potentially illegal two-year deal, which […]

WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website

By Jeffrey A. Tucker | American Institute for Economic Research | December 23, 2020 Maybe you have some sense that something fishy is going on? Same. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Coronavirus lived on surfaces until it didn’t. Masks didn’t work until they did, then they did not. There is asymptomatic transmission, except […]