
Another Mega Group Spy Scandal? Samanage, Sabotage, And The SolarWinds Hack

By Whitney Webb | The Last American Vagabond | January 21, 2021 The devastating hack on SolarWinds was quickly pinned on Russia by US intelligence. A more likely culprit, Samanage, a company whose software was integrated into SolarWinds’ software just as the “back door” was inserted, is deeply tied to Israeli intelligence and intelligence-linked families […]

Cheerleading Trump’s Upcoming Sham Senate Trial

By Stephen Lendman | January 23, 2021 There’s plenty of domestic and geopolitical wrongdoing to hold Trump accountable for. Instead, Senate trial proceedings against him — to begin on February 9 — focus on the phony charge of inciting insurrection. Innocence isn’t a permitted defense under US law of the jungle rules. Nor do establishment […]

Biden Instructs Intelligence Agencies to Study Reports of ‘Russian Hackers’, US Soldier Bounties

By Asya Geydarova – Sputnik – 21.01.2021 The inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden took place on January 20 and marks the start of the four-year term of Biden as the 46th president of the United States and Kamala Harris as vice president. Since being inaugurated, Biden has already signed a series of executive orders to […]

German opposition MPs bash Merkel government over refusal to disclose information on Navalny case

By Jonny Tickle – RT – January 21, 2021 MPs from Germany’s left-wing Die Linke party have accused the country’s government of acting suspiciously after it refused to answer most of their questions about legal assistance requested by Russia over the Navalny case. In recent months, on multiple occasions, the Kremlin has demanded information from […]

Lockdown extremism: an obsession for the insane and the fascists

By Jon Rappoport | January 21, 2021 As my readers know, I’ve spent the last year refuting every so-called COVID fact promoted by public health officials—including the false notion that SARS-CoV-2 has been proven to exist. In this article, I’m simply showing that devotees of the Cult of COVID are contradicting their own assumptions. For […]

GM Human® — Bill Gates’ Plan For Our Future

Image source: By Richard Hugus | January 20, 2021 To speak of a “Covid vaccine” is to enter into two falsehoods. As some have argued,1,2 the virus known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus two (SARS-CoV-2) has not actually been isolated and therefore cannot be proven to exist. This would  of course be an advantage to […]

Hacked emails allegedly detail how EU drug regulator was pressured to approve Pfizer jab despite its ‘problems’

RT | January 18, 2021 An alleged cache of email exchanges between EU officials and the European Medicines Agency show that the drug regulator was uncomfortable about fast-tracking approval for the Pfizer and Moderna Covid jabs, Le Monde has reported. The EMA has claimed that the contents of the messages, which were obtained by hackers […]

The documentary, MLK/FBI, is just slick propaganda that reveals nothing new about the bureau’s harassment of King

By Michael McCaffrey | RT | January 18, 2021 The new film, released just before Martin Luther King Jr. Day and available from various video-on-demand sites, poses as an important piece of work, but avoids the big questions in favor of placating the establishment. I’ve heard it said that Americans are the most propagandized people […]